Rupert Promo - YTV 1997
The Tape Keeper
Captain Flamingo Promo - YTV 2006
Closed Captioning Bumper - Hasbro Star Wars Toys and Games - YTV 2006
YTV Host Segment: Triple B League Contest - YTV 2006
YTV and Wonder Bread: Break Out the Blue Contest Bumper - YTV 2006
Rupert Promo - YTV 2006
Care Bears Promo - YTV 2006
O Canada YTV Bumper - YTV 2006
YTV Ident / Bumper - YTV 2006
YTV Ident / Bumper - 2006
Closed Captioning Bumper - Maple Leaf - YTV 2006
YTV Vortex Action Bitz: Battle B-Daman Bumper - YTV 2006
Zoids Promo - YTV 2003
YTV Ident / Bumper - YTV 1997
YTV Vortex Host Segment - Justice League - YTV 2003
7th Annual YAA (YTV Achievement Awards) Bumper - YTV 1995
Three Hairy Thumbs Up: Archies In Jugman Promo - YTV 2003
YTV Ident / Bumper - 1995
YTV Vortex Host Segment - Upcoming Events - YTV 2003
The Nick Cannon Show Promo - YTV 2003
Hit List Promo / American Music Awards Contest - YTV 1995
Land Before Time Promo - YTV 2003
YTV Vortex Host Segment - Samurai Jack - YTV 2006
YTV Vortex Host Segment - April Fools - YTV April 1st, 2006
YTV Vortex Segment: Which X-Man Would You Be? Emails - 2003
Yvon of the Yukon Promo - YTV 2003
Galidor Promo - YTV 2003
YTV The Vortex Segment - Samurai Jack - YTV 2003
Sunday Morning Lineup Bumper - YTV 2003
Christmas With The Kranks Promo - W 2013
Dexter's Lab Promo - YTV 2003
YTV Ident and Viewer Art Bumper - YTV 1997
YTV The Zone Segment - Emails - 1999
YTV Website Bumper - YTV 2006
Closed Captioning Bumper - YTV.com - YTV 2006
YTV Closed Captioning Bumper - Hasbro and the YTV Website - YTV 2006
B-Zone Promo - YTV 1997
The New Addams Family Promo - YTV 1999
Viewer Discretion Bumper - YTV 2006
YTV Ident / Bumper - 1999
YTV Short Circutz (Partial) and Sign Off - YTV 1997
YTV Sign Off - YTV 1997
YTV Sign On - YTV 1997
Reboot Promo - YTV 1997
Vortex Action Bitz: Krypto the Superdog - YTV April 1st 2006
YTV Ident / Bumper - YTV 1999
YTV Ident / Bumper - YTV 1996
It's the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown Promo - YTV 2006
Video and Arcade Top 10 Promo - YTV 1996
YTV Vortex Ident and Coming Up Bumper - YTV 2006
Vortex Action Bitz: Beyblade - YTV April 1st 2006
YTV Coming Up Bumper - YTV 1991
YTV Ident - YTV 2006
Closed Captioning Bumper: Burger King Ice Age Meals - Battle B-Daman - YTV 2006
Jane and the Dragon Promo - YTV 2006
YTV Vortex Ident - 2006
YTV Bumper - 2002
The Zone YTV 2000 After School Commercial Break
The Zone YTV 2000 After School Commercial Break (part 2!)
YTV The Vortex - The Mummy Animated Series Promo - 2002
The Zone Whiplash Wednesday Promo - 2000
Shadow Raiders Promo - 2000
Pokemon Bumper - 2000
Monster Rancher Unlock Your Disc - 2000
Boy Meets World Promo (YTV) - 2000
System Crash Promo YTV - 2000
YTV The Zone Bumper - 2003
YTV The Zone - Coming Up (Dragon Ball Z / New Addams Family) - 2000
YTV Closed Captioning Bumper - Del Monte - 2000
New Addams Family - YTV Promo - 2000
YTV's Hit List Promo - 2003
Beast Machines: Transformers Promo YTV - 2000
YTV The Zone Bumper 2 - 2003
YTV The Zone Segment - Planet Snak Contest Part 1 - 2000
YTV The Zone Segment - Planet Snak Contest Part 2 - 2000
YTV The Zone Segment - Planet Snak Contest Part 3- 2000
YTV The Zone Segment - Emails - 2000
YTV The Zone Segment - Emails 2 - 2000
YTV The Zone Segment - Hockey - 2000
YTV The Zone Segment - Hockey 2 - 2000
YTV The Zone Segment - GOB interview - 2000
Weirdo Ohs - Monster Truck Madness Promo YTV - 2000
Fairly Odd Parents YTV Promo - 2002
YTV Bumper 2 - 2002
YTV Big Wolf On Campus Promo - 2000
YTV Bumper 3 - 2002
Kraft Dinner Commercial - 2002
YTV and Schneider's Lunch Hour Lunacy Promo and Contest - 2002
2030 CE YTV Promo - 2002
YTV Coming Up Bumper - 2002
YTV's Big Fun Party Mix Commercial - 2000
YTV and Pokemon Stadium Contest / Snit Station Promo - 2000
A2O YTV Promo - 2000
YTV Closed Captioning Bumper - The Road to El Dorado - 2000
YTV The Zone Bumper - 2000
YTV Closed Captioning Bumper - Captain Crunch - 2000
YTV The Zone - Coming Up Bumper 2 - 2000
Student Bodies YTV Promo - 2000
YTV Planet Snack Contest - 2000
YTV's The Zone Bumper 2 - 2000
Shirley Holmes Promo - YTV 2000
The Zone Coming Up Bumper 3 - YTV 2000
The Zone Coming Up Bumper 4 - YTV 2000 (March 4th)
Back to Sherwood Promo - YTV 2000
Beasties: Transformers / Beast Wars Promo - YTV 2000
Blockbuster Mew vs Mewtwo / Pokemon The First Movie For Rent - 2000
Gamerz Promo - YTV 2000
YTV Ident (The Zone) - 1994
YTV The Zone Segment - Cameramen - 1994
Rocko's Modern Life Promo - YTV 1995
The Anti-Gravity Room Promo - YTV 1996
The 7th Annual YTV Achievement Awards (YAA) Bumper - YTV 1996
YTV Vortex Action Bitz - Yu-Gi Oh! - YTV 2006
Ice Age: Meltdown and Win with Cheese Strings Contest Bumper - YTV 2006
YTV Ident / Bumper - YTV 1995
Jacob Two Two Promo - YTV 2006
You Rule March Break '96 / Race the Sun Bumper - YTV 1996
YTV Bionix Coming Up: Gundam Seed / Full Metal Alchemist - YTV 2006
Santo Bugito Promo - YTV 1995
Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure Promo - YTV 2006
Bionix Bumper - YTV 2006
YTV Host Segment (Partial) - Sept 29th 1991
Monster Warriors Promo - YTV 2006
YTV Ident / Bumper -1995
YTV's Dark Night 3 Bumper - YTV 1995
Dark Night 3 Contest Bumper - YTV 1995
Goosebumps Promo - YTV 1995
YTV The Zone: Scariest Show Vote Segment - Goosebumps - YTV 1996
YTV Goosebumps Bumper - YTV 1995
YTV Coming Up Bumper - Monster By Mistake, Mona the Vampire - YTV 2006
Street Noise Promo - YTV 1991