This playlist is public because I wanted to talk about an animation/pmv plan I got from it, specifically the Needletail Duology, which introduced me to the songs. :) So, for the first one, I was thinking about the story with Bramble and Bristle being different. Rather than Bramble and Bristle both being convinced into joining after the death of their mother, told by Tidal that they'll find comfort there, but instead Bristle hears of a group of skilled, but often messy, killers, who take care of one another and treat eachother as family. Bramble disagrees with her, saying he'd rather be killed than join them, so Bristle leaves alone. Tidal puts Bristle through plenty of tasks that'd broken younger members before, leading to their deaths, for their safety and the safety of the group. Bristle goes through the tasks with little trouble, though it saddens her quite a bit. Of course, there isn't much food available for these murderers, so often they'll eat those they kill or steal from them. This causes everyone in this group to be thin, the youngest eating last unless they've gotten the food. Later, Bramble comes to take his sister back, trying to convince her she was wrong and that she is clearly being tortured. But, she disagrees, and stays with Tidal and her group. Now, for the second: Tidal has been long dead for two years now. Burn has also died, having gone off to kill Ivy in secret and starving. Badr, having lost two of those closest to her, refuses to take control, allowing Coyote to take control of the group. He plans to kill Bristle, believing she was never of any use to the group. He also believes Badr should be killed, and first off sends someone out to kill Bramble, this way he can't interfere. But, Bristle, of course, finds out of this, and attacks him, biting one of his eyes out. Bramble was spared by the member sent to kill him, and told of what's going on. So, he hurries himself over to the group, warning Badr before helping Bristle. As one of the members who supports Coyote attacks Bristle, Bramble attacks Coyote, biting out his throat, and Badr helps Bristle by holding off the rest of Coyote's followers. So, Bramble leaves, starting his own small group of orphans, wishing to help in keeping safe with them. Bristle and Badr take over the group, and may or may not be gay because Badr is only about two years older than Bristle, but that's unconfirmed. Now for the third, a brand new member is introduced. Well, new to a point. I've actually introduced her on my DeviantArt, in yet another type of FT. Links to where she is vaguely introduced and finally actually introduced:… (The person who stops Ivy from killing Badr) They both have content warnings because they both get kinda violent, in the first one mostly because the dead Tidal is spitting blood onto Ivy as she bleeds a mini river from her neck, and in the other one, Tidal's dead mother is sitting at her paws and Ivy basically kills everyone. I forgot to add blood on Ivy, sadly-… Now for the story I'll be animating: Bristle and Bramble keep in touch. Badr and Bramble go together to find new members, and eventually Thorn comes to them, willing to join. Bramble stays and helps with getting new members, as Badr helps Bristle in training their new members. Thorn turns out to be very skilled, as kind as she may seem to be. I can't figure out how to do the part with the faeries? Soo Bramble gets into some trouble, and Badr and Bristle go to help him, leaving Thorn in charge. They both end up dying, leaving Thorn in charge of the entire group, the new leader, rather than just in charge until they come back. Bramble comes back, covered in wounds, and gives her the news. So, Thorn, heartbroken, is visited by Badr, Burn, Tidal, and Bristle in her sleep, told to be strong and keep this group alive. She agrees, and does so without struggle, and thus ends our story with a happy ending.