Legendary Ungrim Ironfist Mortal Empires Karak Kadrin Campaign ● Total War Warhammer 2

Ungrim Ironfist has a new starting position at Karak Kadrin and lots of content just dropped for Total War Warhammer 2 so let's celebrate with a legendary mortal empires dwarf campaign! Huzzah! Let's play Total War Warhammer 2 legendary Mortal Empires campaign as the Dwarfs led by Ungrim Ironfist - the deadliest scantily clad stunty in the Warhammer universe! Beginning at a new start position at Karak Kadrin let's show the Old World the true might of the Dwarfs! Twitter: www.twitter.com/superfiendyt Total War: Warhammer II store.steampowered.com/app/594570/Total_War_WARHAM… Please note this is an unofficial playlist and is not endorsed by SEGA or the Creative Assembly in any way. For more information on Total War, please visit www.totalwar.com.