Just play the playlist and you may hear the deleted videos. I think Jesus Christ is spooking out YouTube because they tried to delete his video. Gail's Hood Mentality is the video that Jesus asked me to make, giving very specific instructions, which YouTube claims promotes hate speech. It appears they may be having some trouble taking it down, because here it is. I wonder if Jesus Christ has put a "bug" at my YouTube channel, so that this video won't go down. It's just a remake of exact words from Ice Cube and I've noticed the two Ice Cube songs from which my video is derived are up and in good standing at YouTube. Therefore I've concluded it's hate speech only because Gail Chord Schuler said it. If a Jesuit says the EXACT SAME WORDS or Ice Cube, then it's not hate speech. Hate speech is determined NOT by the content of the video, but by WHO MADE THE VIDEO. If you're a Jesuit you GET A PASS. But people like Gail Chord Schuler are always guilty no matter WHAT.
If the video Gail's Hood Mentality is removed from this playlist, visit this page: