Creature Moments - In the Presence of the Guardian Owl of the Forest
LynLyn Vlog
Creature Moment - Opossum Relaxes on the Path as it Takes in the View
Creature Moment - Loud Woodpecker Disrupts an Owl's Sleep Schedule
Creature Moments - Mother Owl Discovers Our Presence as it Stretches
Creature Moment - Great Horned Owl Stares From Behind the Branches
Animal Moment - Sleeping Owl Lets Out a Little Yawn!
Animal Moments - Owlet Begins its Journey of Exploring the Trees Far From its Nest!
Animal Moment - Sleepy Great Horned Owl Looks Cute as it Naps!
Animal Moment - Owl Snaps Out of its Daydream After Hearing Our Snacks!
Animal Moment - Rise and Shine Little Owlet Time to Face a New Day!
Animal Moment - Good Afternoon Napping Owl Sleeping in Today?!
Animal Moment - You May Not See the Owl but it Always Sees You!
Animal Moment - Elusive Opossum Sleepily Looks Around as if Confused!
Animal Moment - Spotted a Sleeping Barn Owl Before Night Fall!
Animal Moment - Owl Instantly Looks Towards the Sound of a Branch Breaking!
Animal Moment - Another Beautiful Afternoon for Guardian Owl to Nap!
Animal Moment - Owl Closely Watches the Perimeter for Any Threats to the Nest!
Animal Moment - Sharp Eyed Owl Tries to Blend in and Hide Within the Branches!
Animal Moment - Sleepy Owl Stares Us Down Before Returning to Sleep!
Animal Moment - Sleeping Owl Disturbed by the Sounds of a Woodpecker!
Animal Moment - Caught the Moment This Owlet Let Out a Big Yawn!
Animal Moment - Trailing This Opossum Wandering the Path and Fields!
Animal Moment - Great Horned Owl Stares Down with a Sharp Gaze!
Animal Moment - Raccoon Crossed the Stream Before Scurrying Away!
Animal Moment - Seem to Always Find This Owl Sleeping on This Tree!
Animal Moment - Stay Silent to Avoid Waking Up the Sleepy Guardian Owl!
Animal Moment - Don't Disturb the Guardian Owl's Moment of Peace!
Animal Moments - Guardian Owl Gives an Unwelcoming Stare to its Guests!
Nature Moments - Sleeping Owl Raises its Eyebrow as it Ponders Our Presence!
Nature Moments: Opossum Emerged From the Field to Curiously Explore the Area!
Nature Moments - Grumpy Owl Stares Down at Us From its Cozy Nest!
Animal Moments - Sleepy Owl Keeps One Eye Wide Open to Watch Us!
Nature Moments - Guardian Owl Returns to its Slumber After Cleaning its Nest!
Animal Moments - Majestic Eagle Blesses Us with its Rare Presence!
Animal Moments - Fierce Owl Wakes Up and Begins to Tidy its Nest!
Animal Moments - Don't Wake Up the Fierce Mother Owl Sleeping!
Animal Moments - Owl Tries to Sleep as a Loud Woodpecker Drills in the Distance!
Animal Moments - Sleepy Owl Silently Overserves Us Before Going Back to Sleep!
Animal Moments - Sleeping Owl Pokes its Head Out of its Nest!
Animal Moments - Great Horned Owl Locks its Attention Onto a Target!
Animal Moments - Fierce Owl Looks Adorable as it Sleeps in its Nest!
Animal Moments - Guardian Owl of the Marsh Watches Over its Domain!
Animal Moments - Don't Wake Up the Sleeping Guardian of the Forest!
Animal Moments - Sleepy Owl Lets Out a Big Yawn Before Staring with One Eye!
Animal Moments - You Don't Want to Get on the Bad Side of This Glaring Owl!
Animal Moments - Sleepy Guardian Owl Returns to One of its Tree Spots!
Animal Moments - Sleeping Owlet Awakened by its Bothersome Sibling!
Animal Moments - Fierce Owl Gives Us a Sharp Side Eyed Glare!
Animal Moments - Owl Awakens to the Sound of Opening Snacks!
Animal Moments - Golden Eagle Conceals Itself and its Meal with a Tree!
Animal Moments - Poor Owlet Looks so Done with Life Right Now!
Animal Moments - Catching a Glimpse of an Owl Staring Behind Some Leaves!
Animal Moments - Sleeping Owl Enjoys the Cool Weather!
Animal Moments - Curious Owlet Squints Into the Sky to Spot the Buzzing Plane!
Animal Moments - Sleeping Owl Awakens as it Detects a Disturbance!
Animal Moments - Fierce Looking Owl Returns to its Tree Outlook!
Animal Moments - Not Everyday You Get to See a Sleeping Owl in Person!
Animal Moments - Grown Up Owlet Explores the World Outside the Nest!
Animal Moments - Owl Feeling Refreshed After an Undisturbed Nap!
Animal Moments - Sleepy Owlet Braves Through the Chilly Wind!
Animal Moments - Golden Eagle Slowly Dines on its Big Catch!
Animal Moments - Not so Cute Owlet Grows Curious After Hearing Turkeys!
Animal Moments - Alert Owl Locks its Eyes Onto a Disturbance and Stares it Down!
Animals Moments - Sleepy Owl Too Tired to Stare Down its Visiting Guests!
Animal Moments - Wide Eyed Owl Hides its Stare Behind Some Leaves!
Animal Moments - Sleepy Owl Performs a Good Long Stretch!
Animal Moments - Sleepy Owl Silently Stares at the One Who Woke it Up with a Scream!
Animal Moments - Fearsome Owl's Gaze Hidden by Leaves!
Animal Moments - Golden Grant Us an Opportunity to Gaze on its Majestic Appearance!
Animal Moments - Cute Fluffy Owlet Pesters Mother by Pulling on Her Feathers!
Animal Moments - Cute Owlet Winks Before Drifting Back to Sleep!
Animal Moment | Cute and Curious Owlet Locks its Eyes Onto its Target!
Fluffy Owlet Tugs at Mother's Feathers as if to Ask for More Food!
Fluffy Owlet Loves to Nap and to Stick Close to Mother Owl!
Adorable and Fluffy Owlet Can't Wait to Explore and Leave Mother's Side!
The Second I Opened a Snack the Owl Awakened From its Slumber!
Mother Owl Stands Guard as it Watches Over its Napping Owlet!
Aggressive Crow Swoops by Fluffy Owlet as Mother is Ready to Defend!
Fluffy Owlet Loves to Stick Close to Mother as She Sleeps!
This Great Horned Owl Looks Fed Up to See Visitors Finding its Nest!
This Owlet Looks so Done with its Sibling Moving Around in the Nest!
Tired Guardian Owl Drifts Back to Sleep After a Buzzing Plane Passed!
I Caught the Moment This Sleepy Owl Let a Big Contagious Yawn!
Grumpy Great Horned Owl Didn't Like the Wind Shaking its Tree!
Having a Staring Contest with This Owl Glaring Down at Us!
Watched This Sleepy Owl Drift in and Out if its Slumber!
Found This Guardian Owl Fluffing its Feathers After Waking Up From its Nap!
This Owl Started to Stare Into my Soul as I Approached its Domain!
Almost Missed This Great Horned Owl That Blended in Well with the Tree!
Raccoon Thief Poses for a Mugshot After Stealing Some Cat Food!
Guardian Owl Gives a Squinting Stare as it Drifts Back to Sleep!
Mother Owl Has its Mouth Full as it Busily Feeds Owlets Crying for Food!
You May Not Always See an Owl but the Watchful Owl Always Sees You!
I Would be Tired Too After Feeding These Owlets Crying Out for More Food!
Found This Sleepy Owl Holding on to a Tree Swaying Thanks to the Strong Winds!
Don't be Fooled the Owl May Appear to be Sleeping but its Senses Remain Sharp!
Choose Your Next Move Wisely for the Guardian Owl Has You Locked in its Sights!
I Thought the Owl Was Squinting at Us Turns Out it's Fast Asleep!
Guardian Owl Cozies Up in its Nest as it Prepares to Feed Some Hungry Mouths!
I Advise Not to Try Any Foolishness with This Fierce Mother Owl Watching its Baby!
Was About to Head Home Until This Raccoon Thief Emerged From the Bushes!
Grumpy Owl Irritated the Wind is Disturbing its Sleep and Shaking its Tree!
Oh Guardian Owl of the Tree Grant Us Your Wisdom Through Your Gaze!
I Heard Hooing and Found a Sleeping Owlet with Deep its Guardian Mother!
Sleepy Guardian Owl Wearily Checks on the Eggs it has Been Incubating!
Father Owl Guards Against Any Distractions in the Area as Mother Owl Feeds Owlets!
Grumpy Professor Owl Not in the Mood to Entertain or Bestow Knowledge!
Oh Staring Guardian Owl of the Tree Bestow Upon us Your Wisdom!
Professor Owl Squints Down at Us as if to Judge Our Knowledge!
Nesting Owl Found Us First Before We Caught it Staring Right at Us!
Napping Mother Owl Can't Get a Break as it Supervises its Adventurous Owlets!
You Prey Better Stay Low or You'll Become This Golden Eagle's Next Meal!
Newly Born Owlet is Far From Cute but a Rare and Precious Moment for Mother! Bird Moment!
Hiking Encounter - Fierce Guardian Owl Wakes Up as it Senses a Disturbance in the Area!
Hiking Moment - Owlet Spotted Leaving its Nest Eager to Explore a New Environment!
Hiking Moment - Mother Owl Guards its Eggs and Gives a Menacing Glare From the Nest!
Creature Moment: Don't Dare to Disturb the Slumbering Guardian Owl!
Fluffy Great Horned Owlet Plays Hide and Seek as it Flaps its Wings Next to Mother Owl!
You Have Fallen Under the Gaze of an Intimidating Owl Guarding a Sleeping Owlet!
Animal Moments - Not so Cute Owlet Hangs Out with Napping Mother Owl!
Sleeping Guardian Owl Laying on its Eggs Peeks Over to Analyze its Guests! Critter Moments
Guardian Owl Senses a New Presence in its Territory as it Turns to Menacingly Stare! Critter Moments
Creature Moments - Fluffy Owlet Dozes Off as Guardian Mother Owl Keeps Watch!
Creature Moments - Great Guardian Owl Awakened by the Wind Shaking its Tree!
Creature Moments - You Shall Not Disturb the Sleeping Guardian Owl in its Nest!
Creature Moments - Great Guardian Owl Tends to its Hungry and Pesky Owlets!
Creature Moments - Sleeping Guardian Owl Senses a Disturbance in the Force and Awakens to Check!
Creature Moment - Guardian Owl Too Busy to Sleep as it Feeds its Newly Born Owlets!
Creature Moment - Guardian Owl Awakens and with a Fierce Face Looks Down!
Creature Moment - Don't Approach the Guardian Owl Watching its Sleeping Owlet!
Creature Moment - Spotted This Freedom Eagle Eating its Meal on a Secluded Tree!
Creature Moment - Great Guardian Owl Alerted by the Presence of a Disturbance!
Creature Moment - Fluffy Owlet Watches Birds as it Eagerly Awaits the Day it Will Fly!
Creature Moment - Guardian Owl Wakes Up Confused Before Ruffling its Feathers and Checking its Eggs!
Creature Moment - Sleeping Guardian Owl Awakens From its Slumber to Stare at Visitors!
Creature Moment - Do Not Awaken the Guardian Owl From its Slumber or Pay the Price!
Creature Moment - Owl: Excuse Me What Are You Doing Here Near my Nest?
Creature Moment - Eagle or Hawk Pulls Apart a Snake it Just Caught!
Creature Moment - Watching Some Ducks Quack but Suddenly a Sneaky Raccoon Sprinted By!
Creature Moment - Guardian Owl Raises Up its Wings of Intimidation in the Wind!
Creature Moment - Beware of the Guardian Owl Protecting its Precious Treasures!
Creature Moment - Oh Guardian Owl of the Tree Bestow Unto Us Your Wisdom!
Creature Moment - Warning You Have Awoken the Guardian Owl Proceed with Caution!
Creature Moment - Watch Out for the Guardian Owl on Guard Duty!
Don't Dare Awaken the Guardian Owl in its Humble Abode! Creature Moment
Watch Your Noise Level or You Will Attract the Attention of the Guardian Owl! Creature Moment
You Have Earned the Gaze of the Guardian Owl What is Your Wish?! Creature Moment
Mother Owl Enters Hunting Frenzy as Two Hungry Owlets Wait for Meals! Creature Moment
You Have Gained the Gaze of the Guardian Owl so Plot Your Next Move! Creature Moment
Watch Your Noise Level or Dare Wake Up the Sleeping Guardian Owl! Creature Moment
Owl's Nest and Woodpecker Pecks! | Animal Encounter!
Do Not Awaken the Sleeping Guardian Owl in its Nest! Nature Moment!
Golden Eagle Catches a Snake and Hangs it From its Claws! Animal Moments!
Great Horned Owl Spots Us From the Corner of its Eyes and Stares Down! Hiking Moment
Great Horned Owl Turns its Head Away to Return to its Peaceful Slumber! Hiking Moments
Great Horned Owl Wakes Up As a Plane Loudly Buzzes by the Field! Hiking Moment!
Walked Past a Hawk Enjoying its Snack on a Rock!
Great Horned Owl Displays a Wide Eyed Stare Before Looking Away!
Hunting Eagle Hangs its Caught Prey on Pole! Nature Moment
Hawk Celebrates its Successful Hunt by Quickly Biting Away at its Prize! - Nature Moments
Great Horned Owl Squints Down Before Fluffing its Feathers! Animal Moment!
Great Horned Owl Assumes its Guardian Post as it Keeps Watch Over the Nest!
Dignified Golden Eagle Finishes its Freshly Caught Meal and Curiously Stares Down!
Silence Don't Disturb the Sleeping Guardian Great Horned Owl!
Professor Owl Slightly Cranky as it Squints Down to See its Guests!
Returned to the Nest to Find the Great Horned Owl Fast Asleep!
Guardian Great Horned Owl Sleepily Stares with One Eye Open!
Animal Snippet - Hooing From Above Led Us to an Owl Staring Down!
Animal Moments: Great Horned Owl Inspects its Nest and Eggs!
Animal Moments - Adventurous Owlet Explores the World Outside the Nest!
Animal Moment - Great Horned Owl Peeks with One Eye Before Doing a Little Yawn!
Animal Moments - Guardian Great Horned Owl Intensely Stares From the Nest!
Animal Moments - Couple of Owlets Chilling and Napping in the Nest!
Animal Moments - Sleepy Owl Squints to See Who Has Visited its Tree!
Animal Moments - Great Horned Owl Stands Guard and Watches in Silence!
Animal Moments - Fluffy Owlets Stare and Sit in Silence as They Wait for Mother!
Animal Moments - Mother Owl Finishes Feeding Owlets and Gives a Big Eyed Stare!
Animal Moments - Great Horned Owl Sleepily Looks Around as it Guards the Owlets!
Animal Moments - Fluffy Owlets Hunker in Their Nest as Mother Goes Hunting!
Animal Moment - Hoo Did We Find None Other Than a Sleeping Owl Guardian!
Animal Moments - Owl Gives a Side Eye and Cold Stare to an Annoying Woodpecker!
Great Horned Owl Looks to Smile as it Covers its Precious Owl Eggs!
Animal Moment: Great Horned Owl Busy Feeding its Baby Owlets!
Great Horned Owl Chilling and Sleeping in its High Nest!
Great Horned Owl Sizes Up as it Awakens From its Slumber!
Fluffy Great Horned Owlet Balances on a Branch Next to Mother!
Great Horned Owl Gives a Side-Eye as it Glares From Above!
Owl Tries to Sleep as its Loud Woodpecker Neighbor Pecks Nearby!
Great Horned Owl Wakes Up and Yawns After Hearing Snacking Sounds!
Great Horned Owlet Eagerly Watches Other Birds Fly as it Waits for its Day to Fly!
Great Horned Owl Fast Asleep in its Cozy Nest!
Great Horned Owlet Pops Out with a Wide Grin on its Face!
Great Horned Owl Squints Down to See Who Dares Approach its Tree!
Mother Great Horned Owl Closely Guards its Precious Eggs in the Nest!
Spotted a Shadow on the Ground and Looked Up to See This Stalking Great Horned Owl!
Great Horned Owl Turns Away Unamused and Fed Up with Snacking Sounds!
Great Horned Owlet Peeks Behind its Sibling to Smile for the Camera!
Great Horned Owl Alerted by Our Presence as it Assess Our Threat Level to its Nest!
Raccoon Thief Stays on the Lookout as it Gobbles Down Stolen Cat Food!
Great Horned Owl Sees All as it Rotates its Neck All the Way Around!