Swatch Watch TV Commercial - 1985
Gone But Not Forgotten T.V.
Sergio Vilente Body Exxxxpress Jeans Commercial 1984
Levi's 501 Jeans commercial - 1980s
Walmart Gitano Jeans Commercial - 1987
Lee Jeans commercial - 1992
Wrangler Cotton Denim Jeans Commercial 1980
Bongo Jeans Commercial 1994 Liv Tyler
Sears Toughskins Jeans commercial 1973
Bugle Boy Jeans Commercial 1990
Levis 501 Jeans Commercial 1990
Maybelline Dial-A-Lash TV commercial - 1980s
Western Optical commercial - 1980s
Lip Gloss Lockets (by Mego) Commercial - 1981
Nike "Little Penny" Commercial - 1996
Whiz Kids Shoes commercial - 1970s
Fruit of the Loom underwear commercial - 1970s
Levi's Jeans TV commercial - 1983
Toni Volumizer Hair product commercial - 1986
Tabu Cologne commercial - 1980
Guess Jeans Commercial - 1986
Cheryl Tiegs Collection at Sears TV commercial - 1980
Bugle Boy Commercial - 1991
Swatch Watch commercial - 1991
Dippity-Do Styling Gel commercial - 1986
Zips Shoes Commercial - 1980s
Nike Commercial with Super Dave Osborne - November 1990
Alexanders Clothing Store commercial - 1982
Color Clicks Kids Fashion Jewelry (Mattel) commercial - 1986
Sketchers Footwear commercial (1994)
Keds Shoes Commercial (Late 1950s)
Adorn Hairspray Commercial (1980)
Fruit of the Loom Commercial with David Hasselhoff (1991)
Timex commercial (1982)
Burlington Bioguard Socks commercial (1978)
Levi's Jeans commercial (1978)
pHisoDerm commercial 1985
Ivory Soap commercial (1985)
Foot Locker Commercial (1995)
Maybelline Makeup commercial (1986)
Caress Body Bar Soap commercial (1972)
Arizona Jeans Company commercial (1995)
60/40/20 Deep Cleanser commercial (1980)
Chemstrand Nylon commercial (1960s)
Agree Shampoo commercial (1982)
Sure Deodorant commercial (1982)
Schick Plus razor commercial (1987)
Clearasil Commercial (1988)
Levi's 501 Jeans commercial (1988)
Listerine Mouthwash commercial (1991)
Avon Holiday Commercial (1987)
EZ Krunch commercial (1994)
Reebok Pump shoes commercial (1992)
No Nonsense Panty Hose commercial (1987)
Nike "Bo Knows" commercial (1990)
Cover Girl Marathon Mascara Commercial (Early 90s)
Navy Perfume commercial (1991)
TSS Times Square Stores commercial (1988)
Keri Lotion Commercial (1982)
Ultra Slim Lipstick by Maybelline (1982)
Legg's Sheer Energy commercial 1984