Radio Shack RC Car Commercial - 1987
Gone But Not Forgotten T.V.
Madballs Commercial - 1985
Cheerios Commercial with Johnny Lightning car giveaway - 1970s
Hot Wheels Redline Toy Car commercial - 1971
Zap-It water gun commercial - 1980s
Fast Eddie Game by Mattel - 1970s marble game commercial
Remco Energized Spiderman toy 1970s
Milky the Marvelous Milking Cow toy commercial - 1970s
Return of the Jedi Presto Magix Transfers - 1980s
Duncan Yo -Yo TV commercial - 1980s
Rambo Power Cycle Toy commercial - 1985
Lazer Tag Commmercial - 1986
He-man Trap Jaw commercial - 1983
Spin Jammer Frisbee commercial - 1980s
Super Baseball Simulator 1000 Super Nintendo game commercial - 1991
Kenner Silverhawks TV commercial - 1987
Nerf Basketball TV commercial - 1987
Orbi "Super Sport Wing Ball" Throwing Toy Commercial - 1986
Construx Military Set TV Commercial - 1987
Kenner Furrever Friends commercial - 1987
Atari 5200 TV commercial - 1982
Activision Atari Christmas Commercial - 1982
Jurassic Park Tiger Handheld Game - 1993
Double Cross Game Commercial by Canada Games - 1989
Matchbox Ring Raiders commercial 1989
Kenner Return of the Jedi Sweepstakes Commercial - 1983
Kenner Empire Strikes Back Action Figures Commercial - 1981
Matchbox Car Crusher Play set - 1994
Vac-Man Toy commercial - 1994
Bumble Ball Buddy toy commercial - 1994
Biker Mice from Mars "Sports Bros" Action Figures (Galoob) - 1994
Big Tiger Tank Remote Control Toy commercial - 1963
Johnny Express Toy Truck commercial - 1964
Atari Lynx Game system commercial - 1990
Space Patrol "Space Binoculars" TV commercials - 1950s
Demolition Man Action Figures by Mattel - 1993
Rocket Knight Adventures Video Game Commercial - Sega Genesis - 1993
Pokemon Pokerom mystery packs PC CDs - 2000
Crash Bash Playstation (PS1) TV commercial - 2000
Poo-chi Robot Dog Toy commercial - 2000
Crash Bash Playstation (PS1) Game - 2000 - "Traffic"
Smooshees Toys by Fisher Price TV commercial - 1988
Sherwood Forest Toy Store commercial - Chico, California - 1988
Play-Doh Burger King Playset commercial - 1988
Radio Shack Remote Controlled Car commercial - 1988
Kenner Fashion Star Fillies commercial - 1988
Princess of Power Commercial - by Mattel - 1986
Play-doh Fun Factor commercial - 1984
Ideal Manglors Toy commercial 1 - 1980s
Manglors Toy commercial (Ideal) 2 - 1985
Potato Head Kids Toy commercial - 1980s
Remco Mantech Action figures commercial 1980s
Toys R' Us Commercial - "The Pink Bike" - 1980s
Strolling Bowling Game commercial - 1980s
Wonder Woman Action Figures (MEGO) commercial - 1970s
Toys R' Us Time Square Commercial - 2001
Maxx Steele Robot Erector Set commercial - 1980s
GI Joe Tyco Playset commercial - 1983
Duncan "Disco" Yo-Yo commercial - 1970s
Centurions Action Figures Commercial - 1986
Princess of Power Commercial by Mattel - 1986
Starriors by Tomy toy Commercial - 1980s
"New" Nintendo Gameboy Pocket TV Commercial - 1995
Donkey Kong Country 3 (Super Nintendo) Commercial - 1995
The Real Ghostbusters - Ghost Zapper Toy commercial - 1988
Twisted Metal 2 - Playstation 1 Videogame Commercial - 1995
Nerf Sports commercial - 1995
Score Four game commercial (Lakeside) - 1971 at Memco Stores
Tomy Pocket Rockers Commercial - 1988
Alien VS. Predator for the Atari Jaguar Video game system - 1994
CD-I Gaming system commercial staring Phil Hartman - 1994
Polar Dare (MB) Board game commercial - 1993
Hot Wheels Streex commercial - 1993
Nickelodeon's Nicktoons Mega Monday Commercial block - 1993
Mr. Bucket Boardgame (MB) commercial - 1993
Kirby's Dreamland on the Nintendo Gameboy TV commercial - 1993
Teddy Ruxpin TV commercial - 1992
Mouse Trap Boardgame TV commercial - 1993
Creative Imagineers Drawing system TV commercial - 1993
Atari 7800 TV Commercial - 1990
G.I. Joe USS Flagg Aircraft Carrier TV commercial - 1985
Bed Bugs game (MB) commercial - 1985
Yak Bak 2 Voice Changer toy commercial - 1995
Kenner Care Bear Wear Commercial - 1985
Toys R' Us commercial - 1985
Hasbro G.I. Joe Mauler Tank toy commercial - 1985
Toy Story Video Game commercial - 1995
ALF Plush toy commercial - 1986
Gem Rockin' Curls Doll commercial - 1986
Tonka Keypers Toy commercial - 1986
Stomper Diving Devils commercial - 1986
Galoob Sweet Secrets toy commercial - 1986
Kenner Silverhawks action figures commercial - 1986
Sylvanian Families Toy commercial - 1986
G.I. Joe Dreadnoks Cycle toy commercial - 1987
Pogo Ball (Bal) Commercial - 1986
Photon Laser Tag Game (Entertech) commercial - 1987
Lite Up Glow in the Dark Toys commercial - 1980s
Rambo Action Figures (Coleco) - 1986
Transformers DuoCons and Throttlebots commercial - 1987
Color Clicks Kids Fashion Jewelry (Mattel) commercial - 1986
My Little Pony "Twice as Fancy Pony" commercial - 1986
GI Joe Action Packs commercial 1986
My Pet Monster - Monster Pets Commercial - 1987
Gem and the Holograms - Flash and Sizzle Gem dolls - 1987
Nintendo Entertainment System Commercial 1986
Wham-O Roller Racers commercial - 1987
Guts! Toy commercial 1986
My Little Pony Flutter Pony commercial - 1987
Matchbox High Riders commercial - 1985
Golden Girl Dolls commercial - 1985
He-Man Masters of the Universe Battle Bones commercial - 1985
Kenner Super Powers figures commercial - 1985
Tonka CLAW with power shifter commercial - 1984
Speed Riders Commercial - 1984
Galoob Sweet Secrets commercial - 1986
Tonka Maniacs Goofballs commercial - 1986
Beach Blast Barbie commercial - 1990
Banjo-Kazooie N64 Nintendo Commercial - 1998
Growing Hair Cabbage Patch Kids commercial (1987)
Matchbox Ring Raiders Commercial (1987)
Quest 64 Nintendo commercial - 1998
Transformers Ultra Pretenders commercial (1987)
My Little Pony Baby Ponies Commercial (1985)
PIzza Hut / Star Wars Episode 1 Toy Commercial 1999
Tonka TNT Stunt Set commercial (1985)
Rockos Modern Life for the Super Nintendo SNES (1994)
Transformers Battle Chargers commercial (1986)
Mighty Max Toy commercial (1994)
Slumber Party Barbie (1995)
Super Go-Bots commercial by Tonka (1986)
Entertech Water Gun TV commercial (1986)
Thundercats Action Figure commercial (1986)
Transformers Metroplex and Ultra Magnus commercials (1986)
Rapping Rat-in-a-Hat Toy (1997)
Mattel Spectra and Spark Doll commercial (1987)
Nerf Golf and Ping Pong Commercial (1987)
The Real Ghostbusters Toy commercial 1987
Jurassic Park Toy commercial (1994)
Bug Out! Game Commercial - By Ohio Art (1989)
Sega Genesis Commercial (1990)
COPS Toys commercial (1989)
Big Zoom Stunt Plane commercial (1980)
Sky Dancers Commercial (1996)
Fox Kids Create a Sega Video Game Sweepstakes (1996)
GI Joe Extreme Comics (1996)
Sparkle Beach Barbie commercial (1995)
Walmart Commercial Milton Bradley Games (1994)
Toys R' Us commercial (1979)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Bath Babies (1996)
Matchbox Slipstream Race track (1980)
Tiger Talkboy (and new Talkgirl) Commercial (1996)
X-Band Video Game Network Adapter Commercial (1994)
Operation Wolf NES Game (1989)
Superman Action Figure Toys (1995)
Talkboy FX+ Pen Commercial (1996)
Turbo Grafx at Toys R' Us Commercial (1989)
Cricket Doll commercial (1986)
Tiger Speak and Spell commercial (1996)
Perfection Game commercial (1980)
Sweet Secrets Radio (1986)
MASK toy commercial (1985)
Pound Puppy Newborns commercial (1986)
Nintendo Super Gameboy commercial (1994)
Penguin Shuffle Board Game commercial (1996)
Intellivision Rebate commercial (1982)
Parcheesi Board Game commercial (1978)
Mego Micronauts toy commercial (1977)
Children's Palace Toy Store commercial (1987)
Chutes and Ladders game commercial - Milton Bradley (1980)
Buddy L - The Rattler 10WD Toy (1994)
Brain Bash Game commercial (1994)
Baywatch Barbie commercial (1995)
Commodore Computer commercial (1987)
Meier & Frank Department Store Commercial (1980)
Flip N' Fancy toys commercial (1992)
Nintendo Tetris 2 commercial (1994)
Barbie Power Wheels Corvette commercial (1989)
James Bond Jr toy commercial (1992)
Mattel Air Pro Hockey (1992)
Sonic 3 Commercial (1994)
SegaScope 3-D Sega commercial (1985)
Flirt Squirt water toys commercial (1992)
Micro Machines commercial (1994)
Nintendo Super Mario World commercial (1991)
Squiggle Ball Commercial (1993)
Micro Machines Battle Zones commercial (1994)
Kenner Always Sister Dolls (1988)
Milton Bradley Sliders Toy commercial (1980s)
StarCom Commercial (1987)
Fisher Price Medical Kit commercial (1987)
Fashion Plates commercial 1992