Midwest Tornado Swarm and Flooding Event (04-27-14 - 05-01-14)

It's been an exhausting week documenting this never ending disaster, but it obviously could have been worse. I could have been one the millions of people directly impacted by this manufactured event. Another week, another manufactured superstorm, and another part of the country has been scoured clean and washed away... along with the lives and lifetimes of work that belonged to them. How long are people going to put up with this? For as long as they continue to have no idea what is happening to them. My viewers are extremely well informed on this eminently provable reality, and if the people of Mayflower, Tupelo, Mobile, Florida, or any of the countless other areas damaged or destroyed were as well informed, I can't see how this could possibly happen again - next week. As the media continues to capitalize on stories of bravery and sacrifice like the young man who held up a concrete wall just long enough for his girlfriend to escape or the Iraq war veteran whose final act was saving the lives of his two daughters, one can only imagine what would happen if the family members, friends, community, and country knew that their senseless deaths and this wholesale destruction was not only not an "Act of God," it could have all been avoided by simply - not making it happen. Certainly, that is what we have to find out... what would happen, if these communities, this country, and this planet knew that every superstorm "natural disaster" that happens to them doesn't have to happen - at all. Therefore, making that a reality is the singular most important endeavor we can hope to achieve, and this week has provided enough examples of geoengineering reality that even after five videos on this storm, it's still going to take me another week to complete the set. Take this undeniable evidence and this extraordinary opportunity to illustrate the reality we all face, and help in any way you can to make this awareness reality for all. Every week it is clear the geoengineers are learning and developing their methods at an accelerated rate. The people of this planet better be doing the same thing, if is there is to be any hope for a future. Please support this continuing independent effort, and propagate this reality. tinyurl.com/WW101-PP WW101