Savej - Solstice // Gravitas Recordings

bandcamp: Stemming from his fascination of conscious exploration, man’s connection to nature, and cultural wisdom, Savej auditorily guides listeners through Solstice. Released via Gravitas Recordings, Solstice is a six track album that embodies Savej’s experiences as a student of life. By creating a compilation of work that infuses ancient cultures with ones in modern day, Savej preserves a worldly resonant vibe to prompt journeys of the mind. “Solstice” spotlights Savej’s practice of the Kargyraa style of throat singing, a skill that demanded weeks of training to achieve proper vocal cord disengagement. As the Native American flute and Peruvian whistles search for “One Truth,” percussive rhythms support the binding of matter and spirit into one energy. “Eye For An I” employs entrancing trap soundscapes with an organic tribal flair. Nature comes to life in “Sirens,” as creatures who roam the jungle are dazzled by hypnotic bass tapestries. When the Sun’s path crosses the celestial equator, “Equinox” escorts wanderers towards a groovy celebratory dreamscape. Concluding the paradisiacal globe-trot, “Vilca” pays tribute to the sacred psychedelic ritual, offering one last dance in the shamanic wonderland. 🔊Tracklist🔊 01. Savej - Solstice (Original Mix) 02. Savej - One Truth (Original Mix) 03. Savej - Eye For An I (Original Mix) 04. Savej - Sirens (Original Mix) 05. Savej - Equinox (Original Mix) 06. Savej - Vilca 22:35 (Original Mix) Gravitas Recordings ➭ website: ➭ soundcloud: ➭ facebook: ➭ youtube: Savej ➭ website: ➭ facebook: ➭ instagram: ➭ soundcloud: