Badal Gaya Karobar EP-29 - LED bulbs, Easy business with over 100% profit, minimal cost - Aaj News
Aaj TV Official
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-28 - Secret behind the magical cleaning of modern car washes!| Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-27 - Repairing even the Worst LED possible: Secrets of new business - Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-26 - Breeding Colorful Fish and Its Business - Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-25 - Gas Cylinder Price Frenzy! Which One Saves You the Most?| Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-24 - What are the prices of advanced car LCDs?| Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP- 23 - Indoor cricket arena project, where did the idea come from?| Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP- 22 - Which countries provide free education on a study visa?| Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar - EP-21 - How Affordable Can Eyeglasses Be?- Aaj News
Is the instant geyser successful compared to the normal geyser? part 01 | #Shorts
What is salonite in instant geyser and how does it change? part 01 | #Shorts
Can every plumber and technician repair the geyser?| #Shorts
How much does the electric device in the instant geyser get and how does it look? part 03 | #Shorts
What is salonite in instant geyser and how does it change? part 02 | #Shorts
How much does the electric device in the instant geyser get and how does it look? part 06 | #Shorts
How much does the electric device in the instant geyser get and how does it look? part 01 | #Shorts
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-20 - How successful are instant geysers than ordinary geysers?| Aaj News
How to build a profile and job hunt on LinkedIn? Part 03 | #Shorts
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How is marketing done on Facebook? part 03 | #Shorts
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Badal Gaya Karobar EP-19 - How to learn digital marketing? How to make money online - Aaj News
What water is used in biofloc fish farming?| #Shorts
Can biofloc fish farming fish be exported?| #Shorts
Where will fish be found for biofloc fish farming?| #Shorts
How is the tech structure developed for biofloc fish farming? Part 03 | #Shorts
How is the tech structure developed for biofloc fish farming? Part 02 | #Shorts
How is the tech structure developed for biofloc fish farming? Part 01 | #Shorts
How much does the oxygen system for biofloc fish farming look like?| #Shorts
How much space is required for biofloc farming?| #Shorts
How many burns can be in how much space for Biofloc farming?| #Shorts
What is Biofloc Technology? | #Shorts
How much does it cost to grow a fish? Part 03 | #Shorts
How much does it cost to grow a fish? Part 02 | #Shorts
How much does it cost to grow a fish? Part 01| #Shorts
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-18 - Bioflok Fish Farming is a profitable business - Aaj News
How to make ears with music with the help of AI? part 03 | #Shorts
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How to make ears with music with the help of AI? part 01 | #Shorts
How can English language be learned through AI? part 03 | #Shorts
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How are faceless videos made with the help of AI? part 03 | #Shorts
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How are faceless videos made with the help of AI? part 01 | #Shorts
How to make money using Chat GPT? Part 01 | #Shorts
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What is the purpose of opening an AI school?| #Shorts
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Is artificial intelligence halal or haram?| #Shorts
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?| #Shorts
Will AI end the role of human beings in the times to come?| #Shorts
What are the new opportunities for making money after the advent of AI?| #Shorts
How to earn money using AI feature in WhatsApp and Messenger?| #Shorts
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-17- Growing Use of Artificial Intelligence, What Jobs AI Changing?| Aaj News
How is it done at home? echo and ecg - Part 02 | #Shorts
How is it done at home? echo and ecg part 01| #Shorts
What tests can be done at home?| #Shorts
How is online consultation done? Part 02 - #Shorts
How is online consultation done? Part 01 | #Shorts
How is online consultation done? Part 03 | #Shorts
How is online consultation done? Part 04 | #Shorts
What is the cost of building a healthcare platform? part 02
How Cost Effective is Online Compared to Physical Medical Checkups?#shorts
What is the cost of building a healthcare platform? part 01
Are people moving more online than physical?#shorts
What is procedure to call doctor at home for checkup? part 02 #shorts
Do you think online check-up is good or physical? part 01 #shorts
Do you think online check-up is good or physical? part 02 #shorts
How effective is online checkup compared to physical checkup? - part 01 #shorts
How effective is online checkup compared to physical checkup? - part 02 #shorts
What is procedure to call doctor at home for checkup? part 01 #shorts
Are the doctors also adopting online services with the changing times or not? #shorts
What is Online Healthcare? Part 01 | #Shorts
What is Online Healthcare? Part 02 | #Shorts
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-16 - How useful is online checkup compared to physical checkup?| Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-15 - How to innovate in gyms? What is difference between aerobics and yoga?
How is the personal care of a patient or elderly done? part 3 | #Shorts
How to give first aid to patient in juice to caregiver - Part 2 | #Shorts
How to give first aid to the patient in juice to caregiver Part 1 | #Shorts
People start forgetting due to dementia, what is the role of caregiver in this condition Part 2
People start forgetting from dementia, what is the role of the caregiver in this condition - Part 1
How is the personal care of a patient or elderly done? part 2 | #Shorts
How is the personal care of a patient or elderly done? part 1 | #Shorts
How to protect the patient from infection?| #Shorts
How to dress the patient | Part 2 | #Shorts
How to dress a patient | Part 1 | #Shorts
How does caregiving take care of patients' nutrition?| #Shorts
How to install NJ tube for food and drink | #Shorts
How important is sterilization before dressing?| #Shorts
How much can be earned after doing Caregiver Course in Pakistan?| #Shorts
What is the course of caregiver, how is it done?| #Shorts
What is a caregiver?| #Shorts
How much is the demand for caregiver courses abroad?| #Shorts
[Private video]
How is nutrition taught in caregiver courses?| Aaj News
How to administer first aid to a patient in a caregiver course - Aaj News
How is personal care taught in a caregiver course?| Aaj News
How is infection control taught in caregiver courses?| Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-14 - What is the course of caregiver how is it done?| Aaj News
How to move from normal mobile repairing to advance repairing?| #Shorts
Why aren't mobile repairers switching to modern repairing?| #Shorts
How is the mobile repair work going?| #Shorts
If the mobile is dead, then why is it not the responsibility of the shopkeeper?| #Shorts
How to move from normal mobile repairing to advance repairing?| Aaj News
Why aren't mobile phone repairers moving towards modern machines?| Aaj News
Complete way to replace the screen glass of a mobile phone in a modern way | Aaj News
How much has mobile phone repair been affected by inflation?| Aaj News
Who will be responsible if the mobile is dead during repairing?| Aaj News
Don't worry if your AirPods are damaged, the complete way to fix AirPods - Aaj News
Smartwatch malfunctioned? Don't worry, there's a solution - Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-13 - Why aren't mobile phone repairers moving towards modern machines?
What was the earlier earning in decoration work and what is it now?| #Shorts
How decoration shop owners can approach event management work?| #Shorts
How much difference has there been in the earnings of decoration after the wedding hall?| #Shorts
Did the decorators try to change with the changing times?| #Shorts
What do most people decorate now?| #Shorts
What challenges did the decoration workers face with the changing times?| Aaj News
What do most people decorate with now?| Aaj News
How are baby and bridal showers organized?| Aaj News
How did decoration shop owners get into event management?| Aaj News
How can decorators approach event management work?| Aaj News
How much difference has there been in the earnings of decoration after the wedding hall?| Aaj News
How can event management be done on social media?| Aaj News
How is a birthday party event managed?| Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-12 - How much difference decoration work after make marriage halls?| Aaj News
How to verify proposals marriage?| Aaj News
How different is the work of freelance matchmaking from marriage bureau?| Aaj News
How successful are proposal marriage through online apps?| #Shorts
What should someone do if he wants to open a marriage bureau?| #Shorts
What's the best way to have proposal marriage in abroad?| #Shorts
Are marriage consultant aunties trustworthy or marriage bureaus?| #Shorts
What's the right way to investigate proposal marriage?| #Shorts
Are there more boys or girls waiting for marriage?| #Shorts
How can you do the business of having a freelance marriage?| #Shorts
What challenges face when marriage consultant started work?| #Shorts
Domestic or foreign proposal marriage?| #Shorts
What are the problems in the marriage bureau business?| #Shorts
How safe is it to have proposal marriage through websites, apps?| #Shorts
How to start a freelance matchmaking business?| Aaj News
Are there more boys or girls waiting for Marriage?| Aaj News
How should a marriage proposal be verified??| Aaj News
The trend of meet-ups for proposal marriage!| Aaj News
What are the problems in the marriage bureau business?| Aaj News
How safe is it to have marriage through websites, apps?| Aaj News
What should someone do if he wants to open a marriage bureau?| Aaj News
Domestic or foreign proposals marriage?| Aaj News
Marriage consultant aunties or marriage bureaus, who are trustworthy - Aaj News
What's the best way to have relations abroad?| Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-11 - Marriage consultant aunties or marriage bureaus, who are trustworthy?
Make money by doing corporate photography | #Shorts
Teach how to operate the camera and increase your earnings | #Shorts
Wedding Videography Tips | #Shorts
New Ways and Tips for Wedding Videography | #Shorts
What are candid shots?| #Shorts
Important tips about stage coverage | #Shorts
Information needed to do event photography | #Shorts
How to find clients for photography?| #Shorts
What is most important in wedding photography?| #Shorts
Wedding photography tips - #Shorts
How can photo studios increase their income?| #Shorts
Who come to the photo studio to take pictures?| #Shorts
After mobile phones, how much difference has there been in photo studio's earnings?| #Shorts
How much was the work of photo studio affected after the advent of digital cameras?| #Shorts
Did photo studios try to change themselves with the changing times?| #Shorts
Camera settings in photography - #Shorts
Tips to edit the wedding video - #Shorts
What is most important in wedding photography?| Aaj News
Photo Studios business ends? - Aaj News
What is Corporate Photography?| Aaj News
What are camera shutter speed and other basic codes - Aaj News
New Ways and Tips for Wedding Videography - Aaj News
Badal Gaya Karobar EP-10 - Photo studios business ended, What's the alternative?| Aaj News
Pedicure - Cleaning and buffing | #Shorts
Pedicure massage - #Shorts
Pedicure removing dead skin | #Shorts
Modern hair treatment with new technologies | #Shorts
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Modern Hair treatment | #Shorts
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What do women go to the parlor for?| #Shorts
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Hydra Facial, Step 1, Cleansing | #Shorts
Hyda Facial 8 | #Shorts
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Surprising benefits of hydra facial | #shorts
Women's opinions about modern technology in beauty parlours | #Shorts
Rani Appa, who works as a beauty parlor, has innovated in her work | #Shorts