Aquamarine - Laugh Compilation
Steven Universe Quotes/Clips
Aquamarine - Are you my dad?
Aquamarine - Are you my dad? 2
Aquamarine - I need to find my dad.
Aquamarine - I'm not looking for your dad, I'm looking for MY dad.
Aquamarine - Topaz! I found one! I found one! I found a Connie!
Aquamarine - Don't bother listening to that Steven, he's not my dad.
Aquamarine - Oh no! You found us.
Aquamarine - We'll leave you totally alone... if... you tell us where we can find my dad.
Aquamarine - If...
Aquamarine & Steven - The List
Aquamarine - Hey, Topaz, look! They want to lose another fight.
Aquamarine - Goodbye!
Aquamarine - This is getting annoying.
Aquamarine - Did they specify... alive?
Aquamarine - You know, I don't think they did!
Aquamarine - "I just think, if you care about your "friends" or whatever..."
Aquamarine - Ooh! Where? Where?!
Aquamarine - Time to go.
Aquamarine - "Very nice meeting you all, and your compliance is appreciated..."
Aquamarine - That's the burden of being the best.
Aquamarine - Will you stop?! You're ruining my moment!
Aquamarine - Topaz! Pull it together and finish this!
Aquamarine - "Nice try. But it's hopeless, my dad."
Aquamarine - The Rose Quartz.
Aquamarine - Can you believe it?
Aquamarine - And she just handed herself in.
Aquamarine - Oh no. Is Rosie upset 'cause her widdle deal didn't work?
Aquamarine - Look. I'm so moved, I'm crying. Just kidding! That's my gem!
Aquamarine - Is that how you flattered so many Gems into joining your rebellion? How cute.
Aquamarine - Topaz, I trust you'll still be able to fly the ship despite your... additions?
Aquamarine - Additions... *Laughs*
Aquamarine - Ah! Those Crystal Gems must have screwed up the engine during takeoff!
Aquamarine - We're almost to Homeworld.
Aquamarine - Topaz, what are you still doing down here, ya big boulder?
Aquamarine - What... are... you... doing?
Aquamarine - No! Nobody's escaping!
The Aquamarine Face
Aquamarine - Look, just unfuse, and we'll never speak of this again.