Peridot - Laugh Compilation
Steven Universe Quotes/Clips
Peridot - "Wow, thanks" Compilation
Peridot - Log date 3 1 2.
Peridot - Ugh, this Gem Tech is simply archaic.
Peridot - And how many more Stevens are present in this area?
Peridot - But the Red Eye didn't report the presence of any Gems on this planet!
Peridot - Why do you keep destroying my things?!
Peridot - I'm reporting this!
Peridot - Jasper! They keep interfering with my work!
Peridot - Firing.
Peridot - What?!
Peridot - We can't leave yet!
Peridot - The whole point of coming here was to check on the Cluster!
Peridot - "Go to earth" they said. "It'll be easy" they said.
Peridot - Don't touch that! You clods don't know what you're doing!
Peridot - "Log date 6 5 2..."
Peridot - Are the other ones with you?
Peridot - Of course. Why not...
Peridot - You Crystal Clods!
Peridot's Distress Signal
Peridot - This planet has an expiration date and I'm not gonna stick around to find out when!
Peridot - Ha! Sorry, but you're going the wrong way!
Peridot - Nyaah!
Peridot - It works!
Peridot - SPIKES! How do you like my spikes!?
Peridot - Urrgh, stupid button here, I don't know what anything is AGGGH!
Peridot - Blast this old Gem tech!
Peridot - Why isn't anything working!?
Peridot - This is only the beginning... of my escape!
Peridot - Lumpy, clumpy clods!
Peridot - Hey! Get your touch-stumps off me, you Steven!
Peridot - I want to get off this lousy gem-forsaken planet!
Peridot - You have to fix this!
Peridot - Or else!
Peridot - No... No no no no no! It has to work!
Peridot - (Depressed laughter)
Peridot - It's not going to be like anything soon!
Peridot - Why can't you just leave me alone?!
Peridot - ...the Cluster, you insufferable, half-formed traitor mega-clods!
Peridot - My limb enhancers! Where are my limb enhancers?!
Peridot - Oh my stars...
Peridot - You're going to harvest me?!
Peridot - ...It did?
Peridot - Yes! Feel my unbridled rage!
Steven & Peridot - "What's that on your shirt?"
Peridot - You called me... cute!
Peridot - Why would you make such a miscalculation?
Peridot - You pebble!
Peridot - You wanna know?
Peridot & Steven - "What's your shirt?"
Peridot - Freedom is mine!
Peridot - Look! Over there! Another planet to betray!
Peridot - Eep!
Peridot - "Archaic Think Chamber"
Peridot - Dirt bombs!
Peridot - As if I'd negotiate with you, filthy war machine!
Peridot - Is this a weapon?
Peridot - Is that a weapon?
Peridot - Is that a weapon? 2
Peridot - I doubt you can help me, but I appreciate the offer.
Peridot - I hate you.
Peridot - I'll never crack for the likes of you, you... CRYSTAL CLODS!
Peridot - This is the end of the world!
Peridot - It was... Something.
Peridot - Thank you.
Peridot - Yes.
Peridot - N-no. Well, yes.
Peridot - I don't care.
Peridot - Go ahead, knock yourself out.
Peridot - Whoa!
Peridot - It's you, Steven!
Peridot - I've made up my mind.
Peridot - Obviously.
Peridot - "360 gigapascals and 9800 degrees"
Peridot - It does not look like that.
Peridot - That will be all?
Peridot - How do you get her to leave?
Peridot - No, no. You're confused.
Peridot - They're for standing around, and looking nice, and holding your stuff for you... right?
Peridot - Right?
Peridot - "She's a pearl. She's a made-to-order servant just like the hundreds of other pearls..."
Peridot - What would they say back home?
Peridot - Excuse me?
Pearl & Peridot - No!
Peridot - What are these "robots" you speak of?
Peridot - You're just a Pearl! (Pearl - That's right! I am a PEARL!)
Peridot - Hehehehehehehehehehe...
Peridot - Praise me, praise me!
Peridot - Why aren't you listening to me?
Peridot - Remind me again why I should listen to you?
Peridot - Though that doesn't explain the spontaneous singing, crying, singing while crying.
Peridot - Clods! Muddy clods! -running out of ways to say clods!
Peridot - It's making me incredibly uncomfortable.
Amethyst & Peridot - "What do you call this?"
Peridot - Can you use it in a sentence?
Peridot - As you can see, this planet is annoying and everything is annoying.
Peridot - Two clods! Walking around like she's... one clod!
Peridot - Nyeh heheheheh!
Peridot - "She's just... you know..."
Peridot - No, really.
Peridot - When you think about it, it's all so *snicker* funny!
Peridot - Actually, it's mostly carbonite.
Peridot - *Laughing* That's funny, I'm so funny!
Peridot - That was the incorrect response.
Peridot - I was being... "cool". Amethyst loved it!
Peridot - Who cares about any of you!?
Peridot - You're all just rocks! Ruddy, muddy, clumps beneath my gravity connectors!
Peridot - It was an accident, I swear!
Peridot - Uh, yeah.
Peridot - Yes, it is a good thing.
Peridot - Why are you earth ones so difficult!?
Peridot's Apology to Amethyst
Peridot (Tape Recorder) - I hope you understand.
Peridot (Tape Recorder) - I'm sorry.
Peridot - I'll be sure to add that to my notes...
Peridot - It's going to be blown to oblivion by the Cluster if we don't get back to work!
Peridot - We're Gems, we're a space-faring race designed to conquer other worlds.
Peridot - *Gasps* It's Blue Diamond!
Peridot - Behold!
Peridot - Yellow Diamond!
Peridot - (Insulting Rose Quartz)
Peridot - Thank you, Rose Quartz! You doomed the planet!
Peridot - How could you do this to me, the great and loveable Peridot?!
Peridot - The great and loveable Peridot!
Peridot - "No! How could you do this to me, the great and loveable Peridot?!"
Peridot - No, no, no, no, no, wait!
Peridot - "Laughing."
Peridot - See? None of you know what you're doing!
Peridot - No!
Peridot - Apparently more than YOU! You... CLOD!!!
Peridot - You... CLOD!!!
Peridot - I'm a traitorous clod!
Peridot - A Crystal Gemmmmmmm!
Peridot (Tape Recorder) - Clod! Clod!
Peridot - Get it away from me. Give it to Steven, return madness to its source!
Peridot - So am I gonna have to wear a star? Where am I gonna put the star?!
Peridot - Well how was I supposed to know that?!
Peridot - And wow, thanks!
Peridot - How correct of you to notice.
Peridot - Today I was assigned a "chore".
Peridot - Cleaning duty. Like I'm the Pearl!
Peridot - "Shirts"
Peridot - "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
Peridot - What is this strange ritual?
Peridot - It's subtext, Steven.
Peridot - Allow me to explain.
Peridot & Amethyst - But it's such a significant use of energy compared to the output.
Peridot - Hahaha! I get the joke now!
Peridot - "Pearl really tries for some reason, and I can appreciate that."
Peridot - What do you mean?
Peridot - Oh my stars!
Peridot & Garnet - "Why are you fused all the time?!"
Peridot - Wow, thanks.
Peridot - What?
Peridot - "Okay, Steven, are you ready to drill down into the planet..."
Peridot - Liar!
Peridot - Increasing speed!
Peridot - We have a drill. We're going to drill.
Steven & Peridot - "Peridotite"
Peridot - "I know I can never go back to Homeworld, but..."
Steven & Peridot - "Something doesn't feel right about this..."
Peridot - The Cluster...
Peridot - It doesn't matter if it knows what it's doing. It's still going to do it.
Peridot - Wow, thanks. 2
Peridot - Is the increased vibration causing damage to your head holes?
Peridot - Activating triple tip penetration mode!
Peridot - WA-PAMO! KA-POWIE!
[Private video]
Peridot - No thanks, I have seen what goes on in there.
Peridot - Yes, "hear hear" everybody!
Peridot - What are we talking about?
Peridot - This is my new home away from Homeworld!
Peridot - Show her my sweet...?
Steven & Peridot - Steven's Art Style
Peridot - Hey Lazuli! Hey Lazuli! Hey! Lazuliiii, HEY!
Peridot's Letter to Lapis
Peridot - But if!
Peridot - H-2-Oh my gosh! It's a smaller-than-average lake!
Peridot - There's nothing, nothing, NOTHING!
Peridot - Log date- whatever, Facet- whatever! Ughh, WHATEVER!
Peridot - Ta-dah!
Peridot - I got yo' number.
Peridot - What, were you trapped in a tape recorder too?!
Peridot - Holy smokes...
Peridot - That's my word...
Peridot - You're lying to me!
Peridot & Steven - "You're lying to me!"
Peridot - Thank you!
Peridot - Waaait!! W-wait, stop, don't hurt them!
Peridot - "Wait, oh please please, it's me you're after right?"
Peridot - Wow, thanks. 3
Peridot - It's a... a rectangle.
Peridot - That's so many people!
Peridot - CHA-cha-cha-cha-CHA-cha-cha-cha. Haaaaa! Shing! Shing! Gwaaaaaa! SHING SHING!
Peridot - You brought me to a sign!
Peridot - I do not have to grow!