Desarrollo Infantil: Es Mejor Saber
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Baby Steps: "Learn the Signs. Act Early."
CDC’s Act Early Ambassadors: Champions for Developmental Monitoring
“Concerned About Your Child’s Development?” in ASL
Descargue la app gratuita de los CDC Sigamos el Desarrollo
Download CDC’s Free Milestone Tracker App
Milestones Matter for Families!
Learn the Signs. Act Early. One Doctor’s Story
Learn the Signs. Act Early. One Director’s Story
Implementing Your Developmental Milestone Checklist Program in WIC
The Developmental Milestone Checklist Program – It’s Working in WIC!
2 Years – Holds something in one hand while using the other hand
15 Months – Stacks at least two small objects, like blocks
6 Months – Rolls from tummy to back
6 Months – Makes squealing noises
6 Months – Laughs
2-Months Opens hands briefly
Moves both arms and both legs
2 Months – Makes sounds other than crying
Reacts to loud sounds
4 Months – Chuckles when you try to make him laugh
4 Months – Looks at you, moves, or makes sounds to get or keep your attention
Holds head steady without support when you are holding him
4 Months – Holds a toy when you put it in his hand
4 Months - Uses his arm to swing at toys
4 Months – Brings hands to mouth
4 Months - Makes sounds back when you talk to him
4 Months – Looks at her hands with interest
6 Months – Takes turns making sounds with you
6 Months – Blows “raspberries”
6 Months – Closes lips to show she doesn’t want more food
9 Months – Reacts when you leave (looks, reaches for you, or cries)
9 Months – Looks when you call her name
9-months Gets to a sitting position by herself
9 Months – Lifts arms up to be picked up
9 Months – Bangs two things together
9 Months – Looks for objects when dropped out of sight (like his spoon or toy)
1 Year – Plays games with you, like pat-a-cake
1 Year – Picks things up between thumb and pointer finger, like small bits of food
1 Year – Drinks from a cup without a lid, as you hold it
1 Year – Walks, holding on to furniture
1 Year – Understands “no” (pauses briefly or stops when you say it)
1 Year – Waves “bye-bye
1 Year – Looks for things he sees you hide, like a toy under a blanket
1 Year – Puts something in a container
15 Months – Claps when excited
15 Months – Uses fingers to feed herself some food
15 Months – Follows directions given with both a gesture and words
15 Months – Looks at a familiar object when you name it
18 Months – Helps you dress him by pushing arm through sleeve or lifting up foot
18 Months – Walks without holding on to anyone or anything
18 Months – Tries to say three or more words besides “mama” or “dada"
18 Months – Follows one-step directions without any gestures
18 Months – Copies you doing chores, like sweeping with a broom
2 Years – Runs
2 Years – Using more gestures than just waving and pointing, like blowing a kiss or nodding yes
2 Years – Says at least two words together, like “More milk.”
2 Years – Points to at least two body parts when you ask him to show you
30 Months – Plays next to other children and sometimes plays with them
30 Months – Follows simple routines when told, like helping to pick up toys
30 Months – Shows you what she can do by saying “Look at me!”
30 Months – Jumps off the ground with both feet
30 Months – Says two or more words together, with one action word
30 Months – Says about 50 words
30 Months – Names things in a book when you point and ask, “What is this?”
30 Months – Says words like “I,” “me,” or “we”
30 Months – Shows simple problem solving skills, like standing on a small stool to reach something
30 Months – Shows he knows at least one color.
30 Months – Follows two-step instructions like “Put the toy down and close the door.”
30 Months – Uses things to pretend, like feeding a block to a doll as if it were food
3 Years - Talks well enough for strangers to understand most of the time
3 Years – Draws a circle when you show him how
4 Years - Pretends to be something else during play (teacher, superhero, dog)
4 Years - Says some words from a song, poem, or nursery rhyme
4 Years - Says sentences with four or more words
5 Years – Sings, dances, or acts for you
5 Years - Names numbers between 1 and 5 when you point to them
5 Years – Counts to 10
3 Years – Avoids touching hot objects, like a stove, when you warn her
3 Years – Says first name, when asked
3 Years – Notices other children and joins them to play
3 Years – Says what action is happening in a picture when asked
4 Years – Asks to go play with children if none are around, like “Can I play with Alex?”
4 Years – Tells what comes next in a well-known story
4 Years – Likes to be a “helper”
5 Years – Writes some letters in her name
5 Years – Uses words about time, like “yesterday”, “tomorrow”, “morning”, or “night”:
5 Years – Pays attention for 5 to 10 minutes during activities
5 Years – Names some letters when you point to them
5 Years – Uses or recognizes simple rhymes (bat-cat, ball-tall)
5 Years – Tells a story they heard or made up with at least two events
5 Years – Keeps a conversation going with more than three back-and-forth exchanges
5 Years – Answers simple questions about a book or story after you read or tell it to them
5 Years – Buttons some buttons
4 Years – Talks about at least one thing that happened during her day, like “I played soccer.”
4 Years – Changes behavior based on where he is (place of worship, library, or playground)
15 months - Points to ask for something or to get help
2-Months Smiles when you talk to or smile at him
2 years - Points to things in a book when you ask, like “where is the bear?”
3 years - Talks with you in conversation using at least two back-and-forth exchanges
3 years - Asks “who,” “what,” “where,” or “why” questions, like “Where is mommy/daddy?”
4 Months – Turns head towards the sound of your voice
4 years - Names a few colors of items
4 years - Answers simple questions, like “What is a coat for?” or “What is a crayon for?”
4 Years - Unbuttons some buttons
4 years - Avoids danger like, not jumping from tall heights at the playground
9 months - Uses fingers to “rake” food toward himself
9 Months – Is shy, clingy or fearful around strangers
Folic Acid - Children of the Future
Decoding Nutrition Label Spanish
2 Meses - Sonríe cuando usted le habla o le sonríe
1 Año - Dice “adiós” con la mano
1 Año - Entiende la palabra “no”
30 meses - Salta levantando los dos pies
30 Meses - Sigue instrucciones de dos pasos, como “deja el juguete ahí y cierra la puerta
Lo mira cuando usted la llama por su nombre
4 meses - Sonrie solito para llamar su atencion
5 años - Sigue las reglas o se turna cuando juega algún juego con otros niños
5 Años - Canta, baila o actúa para usted
15 Meses - Aplaude cuando se emociona
SEED Follow-Up Study Survey for Young Adults
In-person Visit - Audio Description
Virtual Visit - Audio Description
Developmental Milestone Checklist Program for WIC: Using the checklist during in-person visits
Developmental Milestone Checklist Program for WIC: Using the checklist during virtual visits
WIC Training Video - Audio Description