The Wednesday colloquia are the main scientific events at the Jožef Stefan Institute. The aim of the colloquia is to present the outstanding new scientific advances to an audience of both researchers working at the Institute and elsewhere as well as the general public, thereby contributing to the scientific and technical culture in the country. We strive to invite speakers who excel in presenting their work within a broad framework, describing it in an appealing and understandable fashion. Some colloquia have a historical flavor, which elucidates the development of a given scientific field or problem. The colloquia are a good opportunity to meet fellow researchers from Slovenia and from abroad, and they are typically followed by a vivid discussion. Since the topics occasionally complement the coursework at the university, students to are very welcome.
The videos of the colloquia posted here make the talks easily available to those who could not attend a given event, and they contribute to the impact of the talk. You are cordially invited to view the past and attend future colloquia.
More talks available at: