Midweek Bible Study

Studies of Sacred Scripture with the community of faith at Grace Church International (Atlanta, Georgia, USA). Join Grace Church International for Wednesday night gatherings. Connect with GCI everywhere, re-engage worship led by Grace Worship, & hear a refreshing meditation from the ministry team at GCI. Our Bible Studies are designed for real people desiring real community to build real faith.STAY CONNECTEDEmail Newsletter: shorturl.at/0wcgjWebsite: gracechurchintl.org/Facebook: /GraceChurchInternationalInstagram: /gracechurchintlatlNEXT STEPSHave you made the decision to follow Jesus? Let us know so we can help you on your journey toward a changed life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ: gracechurchintl.org/contactHere at GCI, we want YOU to find your people! Find your tribe: gracechurchintl.org/adults