Thinking of my subscribers! #thinkingofyou #mysubscribers #lovemysubscribers #thankyou4watching
Carla Shipp
Dancing with my eyes closed! #chiweenies #furfamily #calmpet #mywaffles #iloveourpets #pawsome
Tigeress tonight! #furfamily #kittendaily #tigeress #whiskers #iloveourpets #kittenlovers
You're always videoing me!#furfamily #whiskers #tigeress #thelook #tabbykitten #paws #loveourpets
Creo en Dios¡ #dios #creoendios #diosteama #diosesbueno #enespañol
Green dragonflies! #dragonflies #lifescience #dragonflieswings #nature2023 #dragonfly
Peace to the heart! #peace #totheheart #forgiveness #forgiving #bringspeace
God is in control. #prayingforall #israel #requestingprayers #jesus #godisincontrol
Just a kitten relaxing! #tigeress #kittendaily #tabbykitten #kittenlovers #whiskers
Momma, I love mine, Tigeress! #furfamily #kittendaily #pawtime #whiskers #tigeress #onthecouch
Israel #prayingforall #israel #gaza #middleeast #israelatwar
Hopelessly devoted! #chiweenie #furfamily #iloveourpets #mywaffles #grease #olivianewtonjohn
Just the way Waffles like it! #chiweenie #furfamily #pawslife #activepet #mywaffles
Black vulture on the roof top!#blackvulture #wildbird #lifescience #nature2023 #onroof
Cowboys vs. LAC #dallascowboysfan #footballl #dallascowboys #nflfootball #cowboys
Rolling in the grass! #chiweenies #mywaffles #activepet #pawsup #inthegrass #iloveourpets #smalldog
Tigeress in a secret hiding place! #kittendaily#kitten#tigeress #iloveourpets #whiskers #hidingplace
Special effects with Tigeress! #tigeress #specialeffect #kaleidoscope #kaleidoscopeoftigeress
Revisiting the green room! #mywaffles #furfamily #revisiting #smalldog #greenroom #specialeffects
Waffles creating memories today! #chiweenies #mywaffles #pettoy #activepet #petplaytime #pawsome
Waffles at 4 months! #mywaffles #chiweenie #furfamily #pawtime #chewingtime #smalldog
Just me and my puppy! #mywaffles #activepet #furfamily #pawsome #chiweenies #smalldog #iloveourpets
Not now, Mom. #mywaffles #furfamily #chiweenie #dogsball #smalldog #pawtime #activepet
Tigeress at 5 months! #tigeress #whiskers #tabbykitten #pawtime #at5months
Tigeress looking outside at the bushes & 🐦! kittenvideo #furfamily#kittenlover#tigeress #whiskers
Green Anole/ Anolis Carolinensis! #greenanole #lizardlovers #nature2024 #lifescience
Tigeress! #tigeress #furfamily #iloveourpets #whiskers #kittypaws #pawsandtails
Tigeress & Waffles friends for life! 💖 #furfamily #tigeress #pawsome #loyalfriends #iloveourpets
I'm going to get you, Tigeress! #activepets #chiweenie #tigeress #tabbykitten #smalldog #mywaffles
I'm not in the mood! #tigeress #halloween2023 #petcostumes #myfirsthalloween
Happy Halloween! #happyhalloween #halloween2023 #subscribers #blogtime
It's nap time in your lap after I'm fed! 😴#chiweenies #mywaffles #furfamily #sleepypuppy #naptime
Kittenlove! #tigeress #mywaffles #kittenandpuppy #chiweenie #pawtime #playfulpals
My furbabies! #furbabies #pawtime #tigeress #iloveourpets #mywaffles #playfulpets
World Series 2023 Champions! #baseballteam #editionedversion #texasrangers #worldseries2023
It's time to relax, Waffles! #mywaffles #chiweenie #tigeress #whiskers #pawsandtails #calmkitten
Wait for it! #tigeress #iloveourpets #tabby #kittendaily #inthewindow
Go, Dallas Cowboys! #nflfootball #petapparel #mywaffles #dallascowboysfan #chiweenie #activepet
One ear up and one ear down! #chiweenies #puppyears #smalldog #mywaffles #iloveourpets
Waffles with his frisbee! #mywaffles #chiweenies #petplaytime #smalldog #activepet #pettoys
Tigeress passing time. #lookingup #inthewindow #tigeress #pawtime #kittendaily #whiskers
Oh, No, it's Waffles!#mywaffles #playfulpets#tigeress#whiskers #furfamily#iloveourpets#pawtime
Sleeping puppy! #mywaffles #sleepypuppy #furfamily #chiweenie #5montholdpuppy
Are you ready to entertain? #chiweenie #furfamily #iloveourpets #mywaffles #pawtime #smalldog
Relax with me! #specialeffect #mywaffles #iloveourpets #chiweenies #blackandwhite
Staring at Waffles. #staring #kittenlovers #iloveourpets #tabby #whiskers #tigeress #furfamily
Thankful for you all! #ilovemysubscribers #shorts #knowyourloved #youmatter #thankfulforyou #icare
Puppy in the rain! #mywaffles #chiweenie #iloveourpets #activepet #furfamily #rainyday
Chewing on my rainboot. #mywaffles #chiweenie #puppyteething #activepet #furfamily #puppycutenest
Dallas Cowboys vs. NY #dallascowboysfan #nygiants #dallascowboys #shorts #nflfootball
Who thinks I'm cool? #petshades #meow #whiskers #kittendaily #tigeress #tabbykitten #relaxedkitten
Waffles can't calm down today. #mywaffles #chiweenie #furfamily #pawsome #energeticpuppy
You belong with me! #mywaffles #dogball #playfulpuppy #pettoys #pawtime #furfamily #iloveourpets
Playful pets! #chiweenie #playfulpets #mywaffles #tabbycat #furfamily #tigeress
How much is the doggie? #editedversion #chiweenie #mywaffles #furfamily #petinwindow
A bone at Thanksgiving! #smalldog #firstthanksgiving #chiweenie #enjoyingmybone #mywaffles #thankful
Waffles is out! #chiweenie #mywaffles #puppylovers #puppydog #furfamily #puppyvideo2023
Good game! #dallascowboysfans #dallascowboys #cowboys #footballscore #nflfootball #panthersfans
Happy Thanksgiving Day to each of you! #furfamily #mywaffles #happythanksgiving2023 #chiweenies
Lets hide! #tigeress #tabbykitten #chiweenie #pawsome #whiskers #furfamily #hideandseek #pets
Can I help you, Tigeress? #whiskers #aquestion #tigeress #kittendaily #furfamily #tabbykitten
Attack mode on Stitch! #mywaffles #chiweenie #activepet #furfamily #stuffanimal
I don't like being Snow Woman! #tigeress#tabbykitten #chiweenie #petcostume#mywaffles #playfulpets
Mr. Snowman! #chiweenies #mywaffles #furfamily #activepet #myfirstchristmas #puppylovers #pawtime
Small frog! #amphibianlovers #lifescience #terrestrial #nature2023 #amphibian #ontheporch #frog
Baby frog! #nature2023 #amphibianlovers #lifescience #terrestrialfrog #amphibian #lifesciencelovers
You're annoying. #iloveourpets #tabby #tabbykitten #whiskers #pawtime #kittendaily #tigeress #kitten
Waffles and Tigeress!#furfamily #chiweenies #tabbykitten #mywaffles #pawtime #tigeress #whiskers
Going treasure hunting! #chiweenie #furfamily #treasurehunt #mywaffles #smalldog
Tigeress is peeking in the box! #tabbykitten #furfamily #tigeress #pawtime #christmastime2023
Tigeress is looking for her gift! #tigeress #kittenvideo #furfamily #tabby #pawsandtail #whiskers
Tabbys' coat is beautiful. #tabbykitten #whiskers #pawtime #furfamily #tigeress
God is going to see you thru it! #god #encouragement #ministry #knowyourloved #youmatter
God is the reason! #God #godistheway #blessed #godisthereason #ministry
A chilly and rainy morning!#december #rainyday #christmastime2023 #weather #christmasdecor
Waffles a gift from God! #mywaffles #chiweenies #furfamily #godsgift #mybestie #chiweenie
In my own world. #furfamily #tabbykitten #tigeress #kittenvideo #whiskers #pawtime
1 John 4:8 KJV #godsway #godslove #scripture #biblekjv #1john4:8 #godsword #god
Pet recess time! #activepets #furfamily #chiweenie #tigeress #whiskers #mywaffles #pawsandtails
Waffles favorite toy! #puppysball #furfamily#smalldog#mywaffles #pawtime#chiweenies
Let me go mess with Tigeress. #furfamily #iloveourpets #mywaffles #whiskers #tigeress #pawtime
I'm unstoppable, Waffles is telling me. #mywaffles #pawsome #chiweenies #activepet #furfamily
Psalm 119:105 KJV #biblekjv #psalm #god #godsword #bibleverse #godislight #scripture #psalm119:105
Phillipians 3:20 KJV #godskingdom #jesus #biblekjv #scripture #godswords #bible #phillians3
Waffles at 6 months! #chiweenies #mywaffles #6montholdpuppy #mydoggie #furfamily
Friends! #ilovemyfriends #thankyouforsubscribing #godlyrelationship #christianfriendship #agape
All I want for Christmas! #chiweenies#furfamily#paws #chiweenie#smalldogbreed #smalldog#petlovers
Gifts ideas! #jesusiscalling #callingonjesus #celebratinglife #jesus #devotionalbooks #sarahyoung
Tigeress 7 months old!#kittenears #calmkitten #whiskers #7monthsold #furfamily #tigeress #pawtime
A child is born! #scripture #godsword #bible #biblekjv #god #jesus #Isaiah9:6 #wonderfulcounselor
Dallas vs. Bills #dallasvsbills #dallascowboysfan #nflgame #nfl #cowboysnation #football
Enjoying the chilly morning outside with Waffles! #mywaffles #christmas2023 #chiweenies #chiweenie
God says you are! #godsays #godwords #scripture #bible #artofcats #godsgifts #validation #kittens
God says you are! #christianwallart #godsword #god #godsgift #validation #kittensforchrist #godsays
Sleepy puppy! #furfamily #puppypaw#chiweenies#smalldog #mywaffles #sleepingpuppy #6montholdpuppy
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year's! #loyalfriends #christmas2023#whiskers #christmasfilters2023
Phillipians 4:4 #scripture #rejoice #biblekjv #godsword #rejoiceinthelord #christianlife
My cute puppy. #furfamily #mywaffles #pawtime #happydoggie #iloveourpets #chiweenies
Give thanks with a grateful heart! #biblekjv #scripture #jesuschrist #1thessalonians5 #givethanks
God, family, and everything else folllows. #videoshort #family #iloveyou #keepgodfirst #familyvideo
Tigeress tonight! #pawtime #cute #iloveourpet #tigeress #whiskers #tabbykitten #furfamily #lookingup
You're not alone! #god #godlovesus #youarenotalone #godislove #icare #godcares
1,000! #thankyouvideo #lovemysubscribers #1000subscribers #youareablessing #thankgodforyou
Sleepy puppy! #chiweenies #pawsandtails #furfamily #chiweenielovers #sleepingpet
Psalm 25:1 #bookofpsalm #psalm25:1 #biblekjv #bible #praise #god #praisinggod
To all this season and many more years to come! #christmas2023 #christmasfilters #merrychristmas
🐾 print! #pawprint2023 #pawsome #petcraft #mywaffles #petcraftidea #craftideaeasy #paw #pawprint
2 Corinthians 4:6 KJV. #scripture #2corinthians4:6kjv #jesuschrist #god #godsword #shineforjesus
Waffles is showing Zine a new trick!#chiweenies #dogtrick #chiweenie#pawslover#paws #pawsome #doggie
Guess who is in the dirty laundry? #dirtylaundry #tabbykitten #tigeress #whiskers #kittendaily
Being loved by God. #Luke12:7 #biblekjv #scripture #godsword #lovedbygod #intimacywithgod #godslove
Tigeress and Waffles thank God for each others.#pawsandtails #puppyandkitten#whiskers #iloveourpets
Detroit vs. Dallas #dallascowboys #nflfootball #dallascowboysfan #sport #jimmyjohnson #ringofhonor
Happy New Year's! #happynewyears2023#newyear #chiweenies #puppyofyoutube #celebratinglife #holiday
Using treats to get Waffles to do tricks!#furfamily #trainingtreats #chiweenies #mywaffles #pawtime
Keep praising God! #god #praising #praisinggod #godlovesyou #godcaresforus #shoutoutjesus
!Feliz Año Nuevo! #felizañonuevo #felizañonuevo2024 #añonuevo #celebracióndeañonuevo
What is your New Year's resolution? #question #newyearsresolutions #newyearsresolutions2024
Those who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.#lord #jesus#romans10:13#scripture #biblekjv
An outing today! #petstore #petsupplies #wetpetsncritters #longviewtx #chiweenie #outing #rabbitears
Hold on to Jesus' hand, He never changes. #hebrews13:8 #biblekjv #jesusneverchanges #jesus #holdon
Waffles! #blackandwhite #paws #blackandwhitevideo #mywaffles #happydoggie #chiweenie
God will establish your plans!#god #proverbs16 #biblekjv #godsplans #scripture #godway #godsword
Corinthians 4:18 KJV #biblekjv #seeingjesus #godsword #scripture #eternal #openoureyes
Psalm 25:4 #scripture #biblekjv #psalm25 #lord #followinggod #godsword #seekinggod
Dallas vs. Washington #herewego #nflfootball #cowboysforlife #dallascowboys #cowboysfans #ballsport
John 2:11 #scripture #john2 #biblekjv #miracles #jesus #sonofgod #disciples #godsword
Psalm 61:2#scripture#psalm61 #godsword#biblekjv#god #godguidance#godways #godwillcarryyou#psalm#lord
John 10:30#trinity #biblekjv #bible #scripture #godsword #fathersonholyspirit #faith #resurrection
The battle is not yours. #matthew11 #biblekjv #god #mightygod #lord #godsbattle #godsword #scripture
God loves you! #god #godisfaithful #godlovesyou #godcares #godcaresforyou #praisinggod
Do you think God sees us like our pets? #smalldog #mywaffles #chiweenies #pawtime #aquestion
Genesis 28:16 #scripture #godleadstheway #godsword #genesis28 #disciples #kjvbible
Love! #loveya #aiminghigher #myutubechannel #utubers #godblessyoualways #lovemysubscribers#keepgoing
Acts 2:28 #scripture #kjvbible #acts2 #godspath #godsword #godsjoy #god
Help! #sonscat #furfamily #beingcatnap #kittendaily #kittenlover #tigeress #catwhiskers
Waffles and his double! #chiweenie #smalldogbreed #mywaffles #specialeffect #dogofutube #shortsofdog
Green Bay vs. Dallas #dallascowboys #cowboysforlife #nflfootball #cowboygame #wildcardweekend
Psalm 16:11 #kjvbible #joyofthelord #godsword #godstrength #bookofpsalms #scripture #godspath
Do you want to build a snowman? #question #january2024 #shortvideo #shorts #chilly #winterweather
Chilly #texasweather #weatherofUSA #kltvnews #weathershort #january2024 #earthscience #chillyshort
2 Corinthians 6:10 #praisinggod #scripture #kjvbible #godsword #rejoicingingod #2corinthians #bible
Call on the Lord daily! #callonthelord #praisingthelord #praisinggod #lordallmighty #holdontogod
Waffles this morning in the car! #chiweenie #mywaffles #furfamily #texasdog #chiweenielovers
Waffles and Zine cruising together! #doggieshorts #petlovers #pawsandtails #smalldog #doggievideo
Where are you Waffles? #attackmode#kittenwhiskers #tigeress #specialeffect #iloveourpets #wavyeffect
John 14:6 KJV #godswords #scripture #john14 #biblekjv #zoomeffect #savedbyjesus #blessedassurance
All my dog want is to go outside! #specialeffect#furfamily #paws #smalldog#mirroreffect #texasdog
Luke 2:10 KJV #godswords #kjvbible #angelspoken #godonlyknows #goodtidings #godloves
Proverbs 17:17 NKJV#biblenkjv #theoldruggedcross #godwords #proverbs17#forgivingatalltimes #70times7
Art! #balladmusic #kaleidoscopevideo #shortvideos #kaleidoscopeeffect #formofart
Do you like Rosy Boa? #rosyboa #lovereptiles #question #reptilelovers #mexicanboa
John 1:12 KJV #kjvbible #godsword #john1 #scripture #sharingthegospel #faith #jesus
God gives us free will. #jesús #jesus #freewill #faith #mercy #grace #godgrace #godspath #godslove
Waffles prefer playing with Tigeress! #pawsome #mywaffles #chiweenies #smalldog #filter
1 Thessalonians 5:18 #kjvbible #givethanks #scripture #god #jesus #givethankstogod #godsword #give
Do you think I am a lovely cat? #furfamily #whiskers #calmcat #iloveourpets #tigeress #kittendaily
I love my son, and his pets! #familywithfurfamily #tabbycat #tigeress #lovingmycat #kittycat #ourpet
Thank you Lord for my blessings! #relaxedpets #iloveourpets #tigeress #puppyandkitten #whiskers
I want it. #tigeress #tabbykitten #kittendaily #texaskitten #whiskers #furfamily #8months #iwantit
John 8:12 KJV #godsnotdead #lightofjesus #scripture #kjvbible #godsword #godspath #John8
Hebrews 12:2 KJV#hebrews12 #kjvbible #myfaith #righthand #godsword #godsthrone #creator
Tigeress looking up at the mice! #furfamily #whiskers #tigeress #kittendaily
Mitsuki is back in his terrarium! #caringforyourpet #petsupply #reptileterrarium #replacementcover
Psalm 104:33 KJV #psalm #godsword #livingforgod #heislord #godoflove #biblekjv #praisingmygod
Catnap! #tigeress #tabbycat #sleepycatfilter #catfilter #catvideo2024 #kittendaily #whiskers#calmcat
Mitsuki new habitat! #terrarium #reptileterrarium #reptile #snake #rosyboa #nonvenomoussnakes
Enjoying my bone! #mywaffles #pawsandtails #dogbones #aquestion #apetquestion #doggieshort
Do you need Jesus?#aquestion #myfaith #needingjesus #everyoneneedjesus #ineedjesus #savinggrace
Little Star! #doggieshorts #filters #mywaffles #iloveourpets #pawsome #chiweenies #smalldog
At the Cross! #atthecross #cross #jesus #jesussaves #godsmercy #godslove #filters #godsway #cruz
I surrender all at the Cross!#cruz #cross #atthecross #surrenderall #godslove #Jesussaves #hearts
Angles in art! #linesart #shapesinart #walkingshoe #symmetrical #straightlineart #mirroreffect
Mirror effect art with tile! #mirroreffect #tileart #symmetrical #specialeffect #straightlineart
It's blogtime! Do you like my new eye glasses?#zoomglasses #carlasblog #glassframe #itsme #mywaffles
Give me Jesus. #cloudyday #rainyday #allineedisjesus #givemejesus #longviewtx #texasweather #awetday
I'm not doing no Cha Cha. #tigeress #pawsandtails #whiskers #4waymirror #activekitten #furfamily
Waffles outing this morning! #chiweenies #mywaffles #inthecar #chiweenielovers #paws #iloveourpets
Jesus want let you down. #jesussaves #jesusislove #jesus #jesuslovesyou #jesusloves
What is that? #whiskers #tigeress#pawtime#activepet #kittendaily#kittenroaming
Tigeress reaction to the space heater! #pawsandtail #furfamily #tigeress #spaceheater #editversion
Happy 28th birthday, Toney! #chocolatebirthdaycake #editedversion #happybirthdaygreeting
Happy Belated 28th Birthday, Toney! #birthdaygreeting #blackandwhitevideo #28thbirthday
Waddles' old sweatshirt! #mywaffles #mypetworld #loveourpets #chiweenie #activepuppy #petlovers
Tigeress and Waffles! #calmpet #whiskers #petreaction #tigeress #pawsandtails #barkingsound
Sleepy kitten! #kittenwhiskers #tigeress #sleepingpet #paws #loveourpets #relaxingpet
Walk by faith! #faith #2corinthians#keepingthefaith #walkinginfaith#wallscripture #sharingthegospel
Let us pray! #prayforothers #prayerworks #prayforme #prayingforall #letuspray #godhearsourprayers
Waffles tonight! #mywaffles #pawsome #chiweenielovers #paws #tiredpuppy
Hunting for prey. #lion #wildlife #attackmode #jungle #lionvodieo
God is faithful! #godismyprovider #godsword #scripture #bibleverse #romans8
Jesus is calling!#aquestion #callonjesus#jesusiscalling #aninvitationfromJesus #jesusislordandsavior
My Father is a King! #daughterofaking #myfarther #myfaith #whoami #runtomyfather #aquestion
White wolf! #wildlifeanimal #lifescience #wildwhitewolf #animalkingdom
Waffles enjoying the outdoors! #mywaffles #chiweenielovers #loveourpet
I see you, Tigeress! #tabbykitten #tigeress #calmkitten #whiskers #inthewindow #iloveourpets
Do you see God's blessings in this video? #godsblessings #godprovides #dailyblessings #weareblessed
I want to eat alone! #tigeress #pawtime #iloveourpets #myutubechannel #kittendaily #whiskers
Cat nap!#tigeress #whiskers#catnap #catlovers #tabbylovers #iloveourpets #catwhiskers
Teether fingers! #teethingpuppy #mywaffles #chiweeniesclub #loveourpets #chiweenieslovers #paws