ABOUT IN THE ROOM WITH Is a video and audio interview series with leading entertainment professionals hosted by RCR News Media. With over 12,500 video interviews with above and below-the-line professionals on Red Carpets, RCR pivoted their interviews to a long-form version for podcasts and for film enthusiasts where they talk to professionals about how they got in the room and things they learned.
Follow on Instagram and Facebook at #InTheRoomWith and find the podcasts posted to your favorite channel including Apple, Google, Spotify, Anchor, and others.
The hosts and producers of In the Room With are executive producer, director, writer, Stephanie Piche, founder of Mingle Media TV Entertainment, Jordyn Aquino, actor, filmmaker, producer, and host of New Mexico Women in Film’s Ready, Set, Film NM, and JD Piche, actor, producer, director, and videographer/editor.
For video interviews and other RCR News Media coverage, please visit
www.rcrnewsmedia.com and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at:
#WeAskMore #RCRNewsMedia #InTheRoomWith