FORMS005 / Various Artists - Five Years

"a prism diffracting myriad, charming stripes of jazz, electronica, kosmiche and R&B" — AVAILABLE NOW FROM ALL DIGITAL OUTLETS: The form of an object, in part, finds definition in its points and intersections. Linear movements meet at a crossroad only to alter trajectory and build upon each course change. Slowly but surely, one becomes two, two becomes three; what once began as a simple dash across nothingness assumes a robust purpose and reveals meaningful multi-dimensional features. Forms, as a series of musical collections, opts for measured themes unique to each edition. Meditative, with carefully constructed folds, the compilation is sewn together with the intent to capture, and make tangible, concepts in motion. For the latest edition to our compilation series we invited some artists whose efforts constitute our past and some artists that represent our future to help us celebrate our fifth anniversary as a record imprint. Starting with our very first release in November 2014 we have sought to pay tribute to the music that gives us pause and to create artifacts that cement that beauty. Each song herein marks a waypoint in our paradoxical lineage, bound together by the urgent need to grow fast yet age slow. We thank them all, today, tomorrow, and hereafter. All songs written & produced by their respective artist(s) "Old Leopard Paws" features Alex Hamburger on flute, and additional production by Danae Greenfield. "Alex the Spacecat" features Yoh on flute. Mastered by Kaye Loggins from Greenpoint, New York Cover Art by Cristian Iacob ( Design by Nicholas Concklin Executive Produced by John Moses & Nicholas Concklin