YTV Yvon of the Yukon Commercial Short (Oct 20 2001)
YTV As Told by Ginger Commercial (Oct 2001)
YTV 3 Hairy Thumbs Up Commercial (Oct 2001)
YTV Ultimate Book of Spells Commercial (Oct 2001)
YTV Halloween Commercial (Oct 27 2001)
YTV Canada Savings Bond Contest (Nov 2001)
YTV Bumper Green Balloon Creature (Nov 2001)
YTV Reboot: My Two Bobs Movie Commercial Short (Nov 20 2001)
YTV Station ID Swinging (Nov 2001)
YTV Super Duel Guys vs. Girls Contest (Nov 21 2001)
YTV Bumper Mouth Haircut (Apr 19 2002)
YTV Sundays Commercial (Apr 19 2002)
YTV Bumper Christmas Lights (Dec 2001)
YTV Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension Commercial Short (Apr 29 2002)
YTV Digimon: Digital Monsters - New Time Commercial (May 2002)
YTV Bumper Purple Swamp (May 2002)
YTV Xcalibur Commercial (May 2002)
YTV Bumper Flirting Wig (May 2002)
YTV Vortex Commercial (Jun 2002)
YTV Bumper Spider Yo-Yo (Jul 2002)