Six months ago, we began our YouTube journey, starting with election coverage in swing states.Next, we launched our Rust Belt series, and soon, we’ll report internationally.Our mission is to showcase the world as it is — free from bias, fear, or partisanship.Because our videos are only ~15-minutes, much of our footage and photos never make the cut.Below are some behind-the-scenes photos from our trips.(Can you guess any of the locations?)
2 weeks ago | [YT] | 144
Six months ago, we began our YouTube journey, starting with election coverage in swing states.
Next, we launched our Rust Belt series, and soon, we’ll report internationally.
Our mission is to showcase the world as it is — free from bias, fear, or partisanship.
Because our videos are only ~15-minutes, much of our footage and photos never make the cut.
Below are some behind-the-scenes photos from our trips.
(Can you guess any of the locations?)
2 weeks ago | [YT] | 144