Deftones, even though I do like them a lot, I also like the songs I've heard from Team Sleep and ✝✝✝ (Crosses)
3 weeks ago | 0
Has to be Tool, and im even a fan, but seriously come on, these people act like Maynard is the 2nd coming,
3 weeks ago | 36
Blood Incantation. Their album, Absolute Elsewhere, has been overhyped for months, constantly showing up everywhere with people praising it as the saviour of metal and the best metal album for decades. The hype has been ridiculous so I checked it out and sure, the obviously very heavily inspired by Pink Floyd parts are decent but out of nowhere, with no warning or smooth transition of any sort come the most bland, mundane, and uninspired death metal section that disappears as suddenly as it appeared. Every song has this exact same formula. Some old dudes play a pink floyd tribute and every now and then they let their kid's death metal band have a spot because they promised they'd let them on the album if they do their chores. But, y'know, opinions vary.
3 weeks ago | 2
Metallica. I do mildly like some of their music, and if I got a chance to see them again in concert it would be awesome. I know they were an extremely important band when they first came on the scene, but honestly the last Metallica song that really impressed me was King Nothing, and Hero Of The Day.
3 weeks ago | 9
Ghost, Sleep Token, KISS and Lorna Shore.
3 weeks ago (edited) | 4
Breaking Benjamins and how thar genre of rock music is so well loved right now. I hated that music in the 2000s and was into metalcore and deathcore back then
3 weeks ago | 5
Most overrated Metal band?
3 weeks ago | [YT] | 128