It has come to the Land of Boggs' attention that there are some crypto scam accounts on various social media platforms using our characters and imagery, pretending to either be us or be endorsed by us. Some of the posts are impersonating or sharing completely false information about people on our team. We are doing everything we can to take them down and report them. Please do not engage with these accounts. Block and report them as imposters, and if you are comfortable doing so, report the suspected scam to us via our "suspect Scam" link on our contact page:
The Land Of Boggs
It has come to the Land of Boggs' attention that there are some crypto scam accounts on various social media platforms using our characters and imagery, pretending to either be us or be endorsed by us. Some of the posts are impersonating or sharing completely false information about people on our team. We are doing everything we can to take them down and report them. Please do not engage with these accounts. Block and report them as imposters, and if you are comfortable doing so, report the suspected scam to us via our "suspect Scam" link on our contact page:
1 month ago | [YT] | 5,616