Hendoh (Flora Henry)

Every successful business I've started stemmed from solving real problems. Back in 2017, when I began exploring business opportunities in China and narrow my focus, it was driven by a specific need I observed. At that time, many businesses lacked direct access to China and required a middleman to handle their transactions. This gap was the foundation for everything you see today.

I identified a service that people needed and built a product/service business to make sourcing from China easier. By the way, the product was ME; I became a sourcing agent and developed a company around that role.

Now, I've identified another issue, and I'm intentionally creating a product to address it. This focus is why I've discontinued some of my businesses/services —to concentrate on solving the problems our YouTube community have. Yes, I read every comment and since I can’t directly help everyone, I figured out a way to at least help most of you all at the same time.

Every time I’ve used this problem-solving approach to start a new business, it’s been successful because there’s always a ready audience in need and ready to buy. My current goal is to build a business that I’m truly proud of, one that I can pass down to kids and generations to come.

This is also why some people thrive at trade fairs while others struggle—if your product is too generic and doesn't offer additional value, it won’t stand out.

Notwithstanding, I will continue to provide resources for my fashion retailers but just wanted to let you all know that there is more out there.

I hope this advice helps you. Choose your product business wisely.

6 months ago | [YT] | 43