I see people who have arthritis and shoulders hurt for other reasons so is it safe for people like this to do these exercises? Also noticed people who have had abdominal surgery tend to walk with head forward and shoulders hunched. Great video. Thank you.
11 months ago | 1
Safe and effective. It was very dangerous for the young and athletes. Its effectivity was so low it became negative for young and groups. Yet if you question safe and effective, you are a pariah. That's a mass psychosis. There's no other fitting label.
11 months ago | 0
New original video! Dr. Oz learns the Egoscue Method to help improve his overall posture, which has been impacted from his years as a surgeon. Try these easy exercise as home. https://youtu.be/RoHg4OzF68s
11 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 63