Jireh Batulan


I want to share something exciting with you all! I'm heading to Chicago tomorrow for my first ever solo missions trip! It’s a big step for me, especially since this is my first missions trip where I won’t know anyone, but I know in my heart that God is calling me to go.

During the trip, I’ll be participating in the Jesus Freedom March and I'll be doing street evangelism, sharing the gospel, praying for revival, and believing for a move of God all across the West. The organizers of this event are former members of the LGBT community and have chosen to dedicate their lives for Jesus. The reason why the Jesus Freedom March is happening is to bring together people who share the same testimony of having left the LGBT lifestyle and joining hands to intercede and believe for the salvation and deliverance of all members of the LGBT community all over America and the West. As someone who carries a heart for souls within the LGBT community to be saved, I know God has called me to be part of this mission.

Since this is my first time going on a trip like this alone, I would absolutely love some support, both in prayer and financially! If you feel led to help out in any way, I would be super grateful. Every little bit helps. If you'd like to support me, you can either:

Donate by card through PayPal by clicking here: www.paypal.com/donate/?business=M8ZREURFYVTJ2&no_r…

Or, if you are Canadian, E-Transfer to jireh.batulan@gmail.com

Thanks so much for considering this and for being part of this journey with me! Your support means the world, and I know God’s got big things in store for this trip. I will be posting daily VLOGs on my social media as well so that you can keep track of everything that I'm doing and how God is moving in Chicago. Also, if you'd like to be included in a WhatsApp group so that you're notified every time I have an update or post one of my VLOGs, please be sure to let me know! Thank you so much again!


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