Dr John Demartini

Imperative language is a key indicator to whether someone is truly living congruently with what they value most or not.

Pay close attention to the words you’re using on a daily basis.

Anytime you find yourself using ‘shoulds’, ‘ought to’s’, ‘have to’s’, ‘got to’s’, ‘need to’s’ - it’s feedback letting you know you’ve injected the values of some outside authority and you’re now going against your own values trying to fit in with theirs.

It means you’re not doing something inspired and intrinsic.

It’s an external force pushing you and motivating you to do something you don’t actually want to do.

This is where you disengage, and this energy saps your vitality.

Prioritize your life so you’re living by:

What you choose to do
What you love to do
What you’re inspired to do

Live by the design of your own heart.

🌟 You’re invited to take the complimentary Demartini Powers Assessment on the website, visit: demartini.ink/3WuWPE9

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