If you do things that are necessary to be seen there will always be opinions about what you've been doing even when nobody knows what's going on in your mind they may assume you are not wise enough to do the right thing, as long as you are hurting nobody then 9 out of 10 times you receive a critique you are going to have to listen to it but ignore it too because it might make you perplexed to the point of forgetting what really matters to you.
Teacher Nzenga
If you do things that are necessary to be seen there will always be opinions about what you've been doing even when nobody knows what's going on in your mind they may assume you are not wise enough to do the right thing, as long as you are hurting nobody then 9 out of 10 times you receive a critique you are going to have to listen to it but ignore it too because it might make you perplexed to the point of forgetting what really matters to you.
3 months ago | [YT] | 3