Interesting, I'll give this a try then. I dont want to do it for every stream but certainly for some of them I think streaming to Youtube as well would be valuable for people and they could actually watch some streams. Like folks have said here though, I want to be very careful not to lose feeling of chat interactivity so I'll need to figure out how to maintain that with two different chats. If I lose the sense of chat interactivity I'd rather just focus on Twitch, but if I can figure out how to balance it with 2 platforms I'll keep streaming to both platforms
1 year ago | 1,000
Now instead of A crew vs Z crew, we can have Twitch chat vs youtube chat
1 year ago | 7,700
I prefer YouTube over twitch in general but a big part of Doug's streams is the chat so YouTube chat would need to be able to match twitch chat's energy for me to watch on YouTube
1 year ago | 1,600
That last stream was absolutely incredible, and as somebody who watches on mobile (where twitch is completely and utterly horrific), I would love to be able to interact with the stream here on YouTube.
1 year ago | 78
I would be down to watch you on YouTube, but I’d really hate to lose the chat-driven content that Twitch Chat provides. So if it causes ANY decline in engagement or quality from Twitch Chat, it ain’t worth it. But for convenience I’d be down to watch.
1 year ago | 82
Unsurprisingly, the people who answer a YouTube community poll probably want you to stream on YouTube.
1 year ago | 5,000
You might need to find a way to have both chats on screen at the same time if you stream on both. That way, one can easily talk to the other.
1 year ago (edited) | 104
There is a 5% chance I'll watch you on Twitch. There is a 10% chance I'll watch you on YouTube. I'm not really a stream guy. But I LOVE your YouTube videos; days when DougDoug videos come out are the best days!!
1 year ago | 319
Twitch chat has a very different vibe to YouTube chat, and you need external browser extensions to make it usable. It’d totally mess with A crew vs Z crew shenanigans, as well as putting an irreconcilable rip in chat’s planning for general main character things. Also, you’re already spread thin enough reading twitch chat - imagine having to look back and forth between 2 completely seperate chats! You’d need new mods too, because YouTube streams generally get a lot more viewers On the other hand, it could introduce a second “main character” to streams, and create a new “team vs team” dynamic. Personally, I’m not really a fan but I think that testing a stream or two out with some Doug-focussed streams would be good, and from there you could, if it goes well, try it with some more chat-involved streams. Maybe see if you can get an extension that merges the two chats? No clue how that’d work though Just, whatever you do, try not to lose the vibe of chat as it is now as it is definitley a big part in what makes both you and your videos so entertaining.
1 year ago | 27
i generally like youtube more but i would stick to watching you on twitch bc i like how you incorporate community points and other twitch exclusive features into your streams
1 year ago | 569
Personally I like how united chat feels in all of your projects. I’m sure you’d find some brilliant ways to integrate YouTube vs twitch chat, but my main concern would be if it has an effect on your direct chemistry with the chat. Either way, I’m sure you’ll make it work Douglas!!!
1 year ago | 14
Honestly, I'd watch anything haha, I think I watched your Skyrim videos like 4-5 times each
1 year ago | 20
Hey dougdoug, how would you show both youtube and twitch chat at the same time
1 year ago | 2
Do both. What I like about this change is that there is no actual negative with cross platform streaming. It's a net positive for the creators and that's awesome.
1 year ago | 31
I've worked with multiple creators who have done this, we're seeing positive returns in all cases, IF the changes to your contract are the same as all of theirs (which I assume they are)
1 year ago | 12
I had a blast watching your shufflemania stream on YouTube, so I would be totally down to watch more here.
1 year ago | 5
I honestly think you could break the system while streaming with both of them.
1 year ago | 2
I personally don't have the time to watch streams live but I think it's really cool seeing the summaries of what you do!
1 year ago | 4
I'm honestly torn. On one hand, I find Youtube's streaming playback setup a lot friendlier to use, not to mention that with Premium I can listen to the stream while my phone is locked if I'm not in a position to actively view the stream and DougDoug will still receive the watchtime. On the other hand, I love the point reward system Twitch uses as incentive to watch streaming, which DougDoug uses to great effect. I'm honestly leaning towards Twitch on this one but if an equivalent can be implemented on Youtube (e.g. use Superchats to do sound cues like the laugh track or the WEEWOO) then I'd be on the Youtube faction.
1 year ago | 21
Hey Dag, make sure you keep the culture of your twitch chat alive if you do dual stream. It's one of the best parts of your content!
1 year ago (edited) | 8
Yo! Twitch recently changed their rules so that I can stream to Twitch and Youtube at the same time. I'm still going to keep streaming on Twitch, but would you be interested in me ALSO streaming on Youtube going forward? Basically my streams could be on both platforms instead of just Twitch.
1 year ago | [YT] | 8,802