Conversations That Matter

If you do an entire podcast based off of what some anon with less than 1,000 followers said about you, you might have internet derangement syndrome.

If you interrupt a meal to tweet something that came to your head, you might have internet derangement syndrome.

If you spend more than two minutes recounting a complicated social
media thread during an expository sermon, you may have internet derangement syndrome.

If people at the gym regularly ask you if you’re using a piece of equipment because you’re on your phone, you might have internet derangement syndrome.

If your best friends are online accounts you have not met in person, you may have internet derangement syndrome.

If it takes more than a minute to explain a meme you find hysterical to your wife or husband, you may have internet derangement syndrome.

If you think X represents what everyone is talking about, you may have internet derangement syndrome.

If you start or end most days doom scrolling, you may have internet derangement syndrome.

Know the signs of being chronically online and get help!

3 days ago | [YT] | 174