Stephen G. Pope

When I first started helping people with video content, I targeted CPAs and accountants.

In hindsight, it seems misguided, but back then, the logic was solid.

The potential for growth was undeniable: hardly anyone in their field was marketing effectively.

It was an open lane to become #1 almost immediately.

But here’s what I realized: while many claimed to be interested, the commitment wasn’t there.

Even those who seemed keen would drop off quickly, citing reasons like, “Marketing doesn’t work for our industry,”
or “I’m too busy,” after barely getting started.

I tried to be encouraging, but at a certain point, I had to face reality—I wasn’t going to break through in this industry.

Eventually, I stopped offering services to CPAs and accountants altogether.

Ironically, they still reach out the most, often looking for free advice and rarely following through.

Now, when a CPA books a call, I cut to the chase, explaining that I don’t work with CPAs and why.

I keep an eye out for anyone who might stand out, but most conversations confirm it’s not the right fit.

It’s no offense to CPAs—everyone has their strengths.

But focusing where my work is valued has been transformative.

Just today, I had a call where I could lay out my value clearly and see it reciprocated.

Lesson learned: don’t force-fit your product to an audience that isn’t ready.

Validate early, and put your energy where it truly matters.

2 days ago | [YT] | 26


Rightly said. I think everyone has a similar story to tell. Lesson learnt is stay connected & the time will come. If not, then keep looking for greener pastures.

2 days ago | 0


Which industries did you find easier working with? I feel the same about lawyers.

2 days ago | 0