Type Ashton

Obviously, Europe faces some unique challenges when designing for those with disabilities.

We are working with buildings, streets, and infrastructure that are hundreds of years old - cobblestoned sidewalks are sometimes very narrow and don’t have curb cuts.

Entrances that are above or below grade and doors that are definitely not wide enough for a wheelchair.

But even more modern establishments and infrastructure systems that have been adopted, can still be frustrating to use if you are one of the 101 million people living with some form of a disability in the European Union.

But why? Does it have to be this way? Why doesn't Europe have strong accessibility regulations like the USA?

That’s what I set out to understand… speaking with those living with, designing for, and advocating for disabilities, across the continent in what is my most comprehensive and biggest video to date.

So make a note in your calendar and join me this Sunday and watch LIVE together at 9:00 CEST. Inside the Youtube Video you'll find a live chat a the video premiers and we can watch together as I head to Paris, Vienna, Glasgow, Amsterdam and beyond to get a first hand look at these issues.

7 months ago | [YT] | 192


Yeah I definitely see how difficult it can be for disabled people in Europe. All of those cobblestones and trains that aren't at the same grade. But at the same time, there is so much care for people with disabilities. The bus/train operators come out and unload that ramp. Mirrors are set up to see people in a wheelchair or they just look out for them out the window. Random people help the elderly off and on the bus. It's why even though the physical environment seems not as "built" in a sense for these people, I see way more of them out and about compared to America. Having everything locked behind the wheel of a car with no alternatives in most of the country isn't exactly friendly for disabled people (and no, a closer parking spot does not make up for how dangerous it is to just be outside in America).

7 months ago | 19


Super cool that you're covering something like this. Respect! Can't wait to watch this

7 months ago | 4


Thanks for addressing such an important topic!

6 months ago | 1


Hmm, will be intresting to hear how disabled are to move along the streets in the US... Often feels dangerous/challenging for normal pedestrians...

7 months ago | 10


Here in Finland, even when there's for example elevator access to a metro station, the doors are often not automatic or have a switch to open them. Don't even get me started on the thresholds on every door here!

7 months ago | 1


In the Netherlands (Amsterdam) we are getting there. Buildings are getting improved. What about the USA and Canada stroads? Those roads are horrible for pedestrians and cyclists.

7 months ago | 4


I've never thought of it. Till my dad lost a leg. I live on the second floor without elevator. Even the front door has seven stairs. Going to a restaurant? They have a removable ramp for the entrance, Great! Enough space between the tables to move... maybe. A bathroom with enough space AND handles... meh ☹️. (In the neighbourhood lives this restaurant owner who saw the chance and now her restaurant has two tables and bathrooms, that are accessible).

7 months ago | 1


This should be interesting. On the one hand, in the Netherlands at least, the red asphalt bike paths are better for the handicapped who use mobility assist devices or microcars (that are likely subsidized by the Dutch government). These are far more affordable than regular cars that are modified for the handicapped (NOT subsidized by the American government). On the other hand, I can see accessibility being an issue in buildings, particularly in many of the old buildings that have no ramps or elevators.

7 months ago | 0


One thing the US definitely does significantly better than Europe

7 months ago | 0

Ganz einfach: viele Sehenswürdigkeiten und historische Orte kann man einfach nicht umbauen, die sind zu alt. Und der Rest, der ist in Arbeit. In den USA braucht man auch nicht Bahnhöfe in großer Zahl umbauen da reisen mit der Bahn nicht stattfinden. Nahverkehr ist genau so eher selten vorhanden wenn man von den Ballungszentren absieht. Aber selbst hier sind teilweise vollständige Neubauten der Infrastruktur erfolgt. Einen reservierten Parkplatz vor Behörden oder Einkaufszentren, der ist auch hier überall ausgeschildert. Das ist der Unterschied.

7 months ago (edited) | 2


Why? Because they try to ignore our existence.

7 months ago | 0