Freya Holmér

Hey y'all~ So, as some of you know, I don't upload on here very often, mostly because I'm generally working on multiple projects at the same time, most of which aren't videos!

But also, I have a bit of an anxiety around feeling like I have to meet the quality bar I've set for myself with some of my videos, like the spline video or the bézier video. I find myself wanting to make a new video, but then the amount of work it would entail piles up in my head if it has to meet the same level of polish, and it suddenly feels scary to take on at the same time as all my other projects.

Similarly, I might have a conversation with someone on my stream, but then I don't upload it on here because I worry people aren't interested in my more low-effort content, like excerpts from my streams, or interviews, Q&A sessions, or even just me rambling about some topic etc.

I *think* most of this is all in my head, and it's not actually an external pressure, but, I don't really know for sure!

How do you feel about this? Do you prefer very infrequent high effort videos only, or do you vibe with lower effort videos as well?

5 months ago | [YT] | 899