Joe Mathews | Composer

I'm a loner. I always have been. I'm always yearning for something more from life, something deeper. But I'm not sure how to find it. I yearn for something that I don't think is attainable in this reality. I crave deep and meaningful relationships with people but struggle to connect with others, beyond shallow interactions. Most people think I'm quiet and reserved, and yet, I have so much to say and so much going on my head. I feel like no one really knows me. It's very difficult to express myself, express my soul and who I am. Music is one of the few ways I can show people my true self. The modern society destroys my soul. I've always felt like I was from a different time (I know that's cliche but it's true. Maybe that's why Tolkien's work has been my favourite thing in the world since I was young.)

It feels like most people are chasing the wrong things in life, partying, drugs, hookups, money, getting the nicest house or cars etc. I've never really cared for these things and always thought there was more to life. The modern world is killing us. But no one seems to care. When I was a child, I was always told 'that's just how it is'. You're supposed to accept working 40 years in a job you hate because 'that's just how it is'. You need to buy expensive things to impress people you don't care about, get a good job etc.

I'm not sure why I wrote this post. Pent up frustration, I guess. It's probably a bit corny or cringy, but if it can help someone out that's good. If you can relate to it or its made someone feel slightly better, it was worth it. I'm really grateful for this community and the support everyone gives me. Art allows me to express myself and gives me an escape from my troubles.

1 month ago | [YT] | 924