Flats Two

Hey y'all, this has been a really tough few days for me. If you had not heard I lost my father yesterday, I never thought I'd lose my dad at such a young age. I'm sorry content might be slow for a little bit, I need some time to process everything. Retro and the rest of the editing team have done a great job making sure videos go out in my absence, I appreciate them a ton as well as all of you. Your messages of support have really helped me during one of the darkest weeks of my life. Thank you.

Be sure to tell someone you love them today.

3 years ago | [YT] | 2,036


Sorry for your loss Flats and my condolensces. I hope you find strength in your darkest moments like the true warrior Rein Chad you are.

3 years ago | 25


Ah flats thats terrible news. You've been a constant source of inspiration not just for me but for a lot of us. Please take all the time in the world that you need to recover. We'll all be here when you're ready to come back. Sending love and prayers for you and your family.

3 years ago | 56


I’m so sorry Flats. Discovering your channel has been a bright spot during dark times, take as much time as you need. we love and support you always, my condolences for your loss.

3 years ago | 23


Sorry for your loss, take all the time you need and rest ❤

3 years ago | 10


My condolences flats. Your vids have given me happiness in my life, and I hope you too can start to have happiness especially for what you’re going through. You’ll be kept in my thoughts

3 years ago | 4


We're all here for you, incredibly sorry about your loss. Take as much time as you need to recover, and we'll be here when you get back.

3 years ago | 1


I've really come to enjoy your content even though I can't make the livestreams. If our support can give even a little of the joy you've brought to us that's huge. Take all the time you need.

3 years ago | 5


I’m so sorry to hear that Flats. Sending love. I lost my mom earlier this year and the loss will never go away, but it will get easier. Please take care of yourself

3 years ago | 5


So sorry for your loss. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You put out some great content, I just wanted to let you know. Thank you and to all of your team for everything you do. Take all the time you need and know we will all be here when you are ready to return.

3 years ago | 1


im so sorry. please take all the time you need, losing a family member isn't something i've ever experienced but i understand loss. we love you dude, i hope 2022 gets better for you.

3 years ago | 0


i’m so sorry for your loss man please take the time you need🖤 we’ll be here when you come bac

3 years ago | 0


Flats, a person so bright should never be robbed of its light. I understand how hard it can be to lose someone dearest and the heap of grief that shambles in wake. While you process all that unsorted emotion, no matter what your introspection finds, always know that you are the best son you could ever be for your father and that he could not have wished to parent anyone but you. All your grief is a memorial to all the shared love now mourned. Take all the time you need. The community you’ve grown will support you through thick and thin. That’s what tanks do for each other.

3 years ago | 0


Sorry for your loss big man! I know the pain your feeling, I lost mine 2 years ago. Take it day by day, come back you are ready.

3 years ago | 1


Heyy flats i went through the same in October its rough especially when my dad was the only other person i had in my family it will be really hard an wont feel real at first i hope your ok and we all understand if you need time etc. Your community is here for u big guy

3 years ago | 0


Heya Flats! I've been getting joy and relaxation from ya vids for nearly a year now. And I thinks it's really nice of you to open up to ya fan base with what is a really uniquely private situation. I don't know what you're going through exactly but I lost my Mum a few years ago as a late teenager. It was scary and tough and grief is a tricky thing to manage, figure out what is best for you, it's a challenge you'll overcome with time. Anything that makes you happy, relaxed and feel more content is worth the time! Hope that you are able to talk to those close to you king. I appreciate you! Lots of love oxoxoxxo

3 years ago | 1


Your entire community is here to support you through this incredibly difficult time. We'll be here whenever you're ready.

3 years ago | 2


Damn man I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Sending prayers and support your way 🙏

3 years ago | 0


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through this hard time. Your community are here for you and we’ll be waiting for you when you feel ready to come back at your best. Please take your time. We love you and support you Flats! 💙

3 years ago | 3


I'm sorry for your loss flats, my condolences. Hope you'll get through just like a rein charging through barriers. Take all the time you need, we'll be there waitin' your return king🙏

3 years ago | 0


Can’t imagine what it is like to lose a father, especially now, even though you’re a few years older than me. I mean, that’s tough at any point of someone‘s life, of course. Flats. You have not only been someone that I enjoy watching, but it’s like you’re a friend to me. It hurts me to hear that you’re hurting. Sending you and your family all of my love. ❤️

3 years ago | 0