
Which Pokemon deserves a Mega Evolution the MOST?

7 months ago | [YT] | 2,269


Luxray is my pick here I tried to find pokemon that were popular but not super strong. Dragonite was one of the first to come to mind but it doesn't really NEED a mega, it's still amazing to this day Yeah there are other Pokemon who are worse than these like Nidoking, Poliwrath, etc. but I'm preeetty sure these pokemon are way more popular I was thinking of putting in Noivern in there but opted for Haxorus instead Let me know if I missed another pokemon that would fit here. Basically all the eeveelutions fit the bill perfectly BUT should we really give megas to all eeveelutions? (yes, yes we should)

7 months ago | 281


Honestly, all of these are deserving of a Mega.

7 months ago | 41


The fact that they wanted to give flygon a mega but just couldn't come up with anything is why I want flygon to finally get what he deserved

7 months ago | 315


Now you've got me curious what Mega Chandelure would look like.

7 months ago | 626


Flygon has been waiting for one for like 10 years, I think he gets first dibs

7 months ago | 154


Poster already knew what the popular vote was going to be when he added flygon

7 months ago | 98


I'm imagining a mega chandelure as having the glass completely shattered, crystalline shards floating around an unstable body of pure, raging purple flame, maybe with some will-o-wisps orbiting it as well

7 months ago | 29


Luxray desperately needs one he’s such a badass pokemon with lackluster stats he’s also my favorite I really hope he’s finally done justice

7 months ago | 35


Flygon, no contest. Flygon was that one Pokemon that could've easily had a Mega Evolution, but Nintendo made the excuse that they "didn't know what its Mega Evolution would look like," even though there are countless amounts of fanart on what a Mega Flygon would look like.

7 months ago | 66


Chandelure, i just love ghost types.

7 months ago | 41


Why did you put flygon on this poll? Unfair for the other 3 lmao

7 months ago | 297


They have the perfect opportunity to add in the mega flygon which is BS they didn’t thought of adding it in ORAS considering that their are a lot of ways to make a flygon look badass

7 months ago (edited) | 33


Mega Haxorus.

7 months ago | 34


Arcanine seems like the kind of Pokémon that would've gotten a mega

7 months ago | 15


Luxray and Flygon actually need it the most in terms of strength

7 months ago | 15


Chandelure mega would honestly go really hard tbh

7 months ago | 6


I know the answer should be flygon, but a mega chandelure would just be so cool

7 months ago | 19


I'm pretty sure they said they wanted to make a mega flygon but genuinely didn't know how to do it design wise

7 months ago | 2


it's definitely flygon but GOD i hope haxorous and chandelure, or just any post gen-4 pokemon in general get megas. the only megas we have from gens 5 and 6 are audino and diancie

7 months ago | 5


If Luxray gets a mega, it should also get the dark typing

7 months ago | 12