
Second Seal Broken [Revelation 6:3-4]

And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they [humanity] should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

A horse is a DELIVERY mechanism, in this case the horse is the color of FIRE in Greek. The English translation of ‘red’ is not what the Greek conveys. Ordinary color red in Greek is eruthros Strong's Greek 2063 2063 but this is pyros [fiery red] describes the color of flames. This same Greek word is also found in one other place: Revelation 12:3 concerning the great red [fiery: pyros] dragon. [Strong's Greek 4450 three Occurrences].

Given ‘power’ means PERMISSION is granted to take peace from the earth by these two means: FIRE and KNIVES. Giving permission implies that ordinarily there is a restraining force protecting humanity that is now suspended as the breaking of the Seals progress.

The words ‘great sword.’ Have been combined in English to give image of a large sword, but the Greek does not convey this. ‘Sword’ is actually machaira [Strong’s 3162 máχaira – properly, a slaughter-knife; a short sword or dagger mainly used for stabbing; (figuratively) an instrument for exacting retribution]. The EFFECT of the power granted to use knives would be GREAT [Greek megale] as in magnitude and over a widespread area.

Καὶ ἐξῆλθεν ἄλλος ἵππος πυρρός καὶ τῷ καθημένῳ ἐπ’ αὐτὸν ἐδόθη αὐτῷ λαβεῖν τὴν εἰρήνην ἐκ τῆς γῆς καὶ ἵνα ἀλλήλους σφάξουσιν καὶ ἐδόθη αὐτῷ μάχαιρα μεγάλη

The full meaning of the Second Horseman is that peace would be taken from the world by FIRES delivered to various areas and MEN killing other people with knives.

The idea conveyed is of small arms conflicts over large areas and attacks against infrastructure and communities by knife-wielding assailants. The implication is that Judeo-Christian world are the victims because this is conveyed in their prophetic texts.

Since this data had been posted across Archaix a year and a half ago, knife attacks have increased to point that even Wiki-Pedia had to create a new entry in August 2024: Mass Stabbing. Attacks against infrastructure and ‘random’ fires are exponentially increased worldwide in 2024.

2 weeks ago (edited) | [YT] | 1,032


Woke up with the song “we didn’t start the fire” going in my head this morning

2 weeks ago | 7


It has been suggested that this fog that was and is world wide was an excellerant to feed a fire.

2 weeks ago (edited) | 16


Yes they are acting out this literal translation, but the 4 horsemen is an allegorical explanation for what happens in your mind. In Greek mythology, horses mean knowledge or wisdom. Red horse equals raging knowledge, white horse equals truth of knowledge, pale horse equals forbidden or hidden knowledge, black horse is false knowledge/lies! Love your work J.

2 weeks ago | 15


Some times are just more challenging to Bear through. May Creator give me the Strenght, Courage & Wisdom/Love to See my journeys end. Many Blessings to our Dear Brother Jason for bringing me to water.(tears of joy) Deep Gratitude for that Element👉❤️❤️❤️🙏👉👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

2 weeks ago | 10


Lol and one of the top brass at LA fire department is named Larson (L'arson). You can't make this shit up.

2 weeks ago (edited) | 13


You are on it Jason.. I am in LA.. fires are symmetrical .. not natural... BINGO!!@@

2 weeks ago | 22


Beautifully written confirmation 👍 Thank you

2 weeks ago (edited) | 8


I feel i overshared in a prior comment so deleted it.I just want to express to keep your chins up,watch your thoughts,do things that bring you joy and stay away from negativity of any kind.Don't do anything out of fear or anger and affirm for the best for yourselves & your loved ones.It is heating up I definitely feel it like one giant evil eye trying to pull people down.Keep keeping on.Take care❤️

2 weeks ago | 22


The fire of refinement will wake many this year.

2 weeks ago | 9


Paint your wagon red ,paint your roof Blue🐉

2 weeks ago | 7


If one calculates the temps from January 1880 and then for January 2024 the avg temp ends up 1* lower in 2024 in Oregon. And we keep having weird wildfires,too. 2024 avg January temp in L.A. was 58.5* and in 1905 the avg was 59*~~~~ Make it make sense🤷‍♀:face-blue-question-mark

2 weeks ago (edited) | 10


People were filming energy weapons same as Maui, paradise, Colorado etc. actors are posting they are using the underground tunnels to get to their homes etc.

2 weeks ago | 9


🐎 There's a superstition that "a woman born in the year of the fire horse has a strong temperament and shortens her husband's life". Also superstition - early Edo period "there are many fires in the year of the fire horse"

2 weeks ago | 13


Archaix 🔥 💯

2 weeks ago | 2


Funny how trees and plants are still green but a BMW is turned into a puddle

2 weeks ago | 9


Spot on! just look at lost angeles

2 weeks ago | 2


Bravo ol chap, with you with that version , is it ever clever to write your own history 👏 boom chank

2 weeks ago | 2


Australia has already reached 1.5 Celsius above past temperature average. Air, fans fires via wind. Aquarius is an air sign, and it's moving further into the age of Aquarius. People have said for decades that the next destruction of the world would be by fire. Jason's research amazes me!

2 weeks ago | 4



2 weeks ago | 1


Niceone Brother keep it coming pleeeease…FULL 💯🤙

2 weeks ago | 4