Interviews from Ukraine

Whom do you personally support in this war, Israel or Palestine?

1 year ago | [YT] | 43


Which side protects its civilians as opposed to using them as propaganda pawns at best (and human shields as worst), which side made repeated overtures towards a peaceful resolution and every time rebuffed, which side does NOT dehumanize and call for the destruction of the other side in their schools and religious institutions, which side builds stuff and adds to the betterment of humanity as a whole, which side would face an existential threat if they were to fully disarm? Clear as day to me.

1 year ago | 10


From Poland's perspective, this is not our war and we do not know how to reconcile Israel with Palestine. We sympathize with and help our attacked Ukrainian neighbors, thus this is also our war. šŸ‡µšŸ‡±šŸ‡ŗ

1 year ago | 22


You can believe Israel has a right to exist and defend itself, while being anti-Hamas/terrorism and proPalestinian. We need a two state solution.

1 year ago | 24


Terror is terror...I support the war against terrorism...terror has many faces and comes from many organizations. I support the common Israeli people, common Palestinian people and common Ukrainian people against authoritarian terrorism.

1 year ago | 13


Itā€™s such a complex situation. I can only empathize with the civilians that have been tragically affected on both sides šŸ˜”

1 year ago | 27


It's a strange question, I support Palastine and Ukraine. However, I do not support Hamas, I believe there should be a distinction between Palestinians and Hamas and Israeli's and jews.

1 year ago | 35


I support the civilians and innocent people from both countries who are affected by this war and wish peace for themā˜®ļø

1 year ago | 11


I support both Palestinian and Ukrainian fight for freedom. Those who support Israel should have more lessons in history.

1 year ago | 4


I support not hurting civilians. I support reasonable people on both sides. Hamas is not reasonable. Neither are SOME Israeli leaders. That's all I know for sure.

1 year ago | 1


Even though The Netherlands is a Jewish / Christian country, I do not support any war between Israel and Palestine; for sure not when it is Russia and Hamas who initiated this war. Though I am for the Palestinians, I think all parties involved should organize serious round table meetings to stop the whole conflict and give both Israel and Palestine their independent countries with a common ground for the Temple mountain.

1 year ago | 1


Peace I support peace. Find a way to live side by side and drop the religious beliefs that fuel the hatredā€™s. Both sides are guilty of doing wrong.

1 year ago | 4


You know Putin is involved in BOTH wars don't you?

1 year ago | 14


The innocent civilians. They have to die for nothing because some groups decide to hate each other.

1 year ago | 1


I do not know all the information so I canā€™t comfortably choose a side. Either way it sucks.

1 year ago | 1


The conflict is a delicate subject. I personally donā€™t support the actions of Hamas but I do however feel sorry for the common Palestinian. They are both Muslims and Christians in that ā€œcountryā€ If Hamas actually is fighting a liberation war then they messed up from the very beginning. Killing and do genocide against Israeli civilians who are innocent in this conflict, massacring in their own homes is the worst outcome for their cause. ā€œI have seen everything on both sidesā€ If Hamas only struck at military and police forces then this would have been a liberation war but they didnā€™t. And donā€™t say itā€™s justified because it isnā€™t. Israel is a democratic country in the eyes of the west and a bastion for quality and freedom. But in reality they are an authoritarian right with government that have been mistreating Palestinians for decades discriminating and forcing families from their homes ā€œDeals that were made by the Palestinian government not Hamasā€ there have always been mistrust and conflict in that region. The Muslim world would have been at peace if Israel returned to the borders of 1960s you can read about it on Wikipedia. But Israel will not give up territory they fought for in the Ramadan war. I am sure most of you have read and understood the whole picture before picking a side we are not sheep we are human beings with common sense.

1 year ago | 2


I support those on both sides who want peace.

1 year ago | 1


For the citizens, against the terrorists

1 year ago | 0


After thinking about it for a while, apart from supporting innocent civilians on both sides: - In the bigger picture, I lean more towards Palestine, because they are the ones who are structurally being oppressed. The first steps towards peace can only be made by western governments putting pressure on Israel instead of unconditionally supporting it. That doesn't mean that the Arab/Muslim world isn't guilty of great hypocrisy on the subject as well, it's just that this can only be properly addressed if Israel and the west (the stronger party) set a good example first. - In the current conflict, I'm neutral. Because even though I condemn the war crimes Israel is currently committing, whoever was behind the attacks on Israel (which were also war crimes) knew what the consequences would be for Palestinian civilians. After all, which country wouldn't react to more than a 1,000 civilian deaths (and Israel has a track record has a track record of overreacting). No, the attack on Hamas didn't happen in a vacuum, but neither did Israel's reaction. Anybody who only shows outrage at one side is a hypocrite. Concerning Ukraine: if the the whole thing had only been about Donbas and Crimea, I would have been more neutral. But by attempting to invade the whole country and constantly changing it's goals, the Russian government has proved itself to be totally unreliable. So I'm still 95% behind Ukraine, who I think are much more worthy of western support than Israel (this would change for me if Ukraine ever carried out an attack on Russian civilians like the one Hamas carried out on Israeli civilians).

1 year ago | 0


I support all the civilians from both sides.lsrael has treated the Palestinians as Russia has treated Ukraine.I don't agree with what Hamas did but don't agree with what Israel has done before and what they are doing to civilians now.

1 year ago | 1


You cannot create a country in an another country without including the people who lived there since century and plus without asking them... when you let that pass, injustice happen, people get thrown out of their homes, century old olive tree being cut, homes where families live getting destroyed with bulldozer, forcing those family in ghettos like the Gaza strip, circle with walls and barb wire... all build and support by the state of Israƫl..what do you expect???? Peace? Maybe greetings from the Palestinian? Common!!! Not even a hug? It's a shame really, it was going to happen anyway. You don't resolve an 80 years old problem just by ignoring it, especially when it comes to human beings who wants some dignity. Gaza is being destroyed because the Hamas massacred innocent... now that everyone is looking at Gaza... illegal colonisation accelerate because you know! They killed our people so we can chase them from their homes. It's gonna get worse. Israƫl is gonna level Gaza and the Palestinian, not the Hamas. I don't support killing spree were you kill civilians or innocent. So i don't support Hamas and the Israƫl governing board...i support the family of both sides, because they want to live in Peace not in pieces. Stupid really...

1 year ago | 4