Becoming a Farm Girl

FINALLY homemade mayo recipe that keeps as long as store bought!
(because, even though homemade is a delicious and healthier alternative it’s super annoying that it only keeps for 4-6 days at a time)
WE’LL, NOT ANYMORE, because in today video I’m sharing how too many of those recipes leave out an amazing, cheap and natural preservation ingredient that’ll give your mayo the 90 DAY (or longer) fridge life we all enjoy about store versions!
A big shout out to Anna, over at ‪@FermentedHomestead‬. She’s the organizer of an amazing annual collab #fermentedfebruary23. Please shower her with some love. Ya’ll I completed fumbled my posting date (I was scheduled for the 22nd but mistakenly thought it was the 24th). This video is releasing super early on the 25th to space things out. If you haven’t met Anna yet you must-she’s whipper snapper smart about food, ferments and farming in a very down to earth way filled with laughs and “girl, me too” moments. 😜 Be sure to bookmark the playlist!

I’ll see you next weekend for our top of the month pantry chat for March!

Keep Becoming a Farm Girl,

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 355