GoldenFox Pictures

I hope everyone's been good this September. I've been taking a break from work for the past week to relax and get some content worked on. However, as you saw my latest video, things weren't exactly smooth sailing. Nonetheless, I was able to get some stuff worked on. It just wasn't what I wasn't expecting and I'll be going over the details as to what.

Before I do, I want to touch on a few things regarding my recent video about the problems in the fandom. Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone in support of it to spread awareness. Through their own posts, video responses, reddit and what have you. Not to mention some other people have been calling this behavior out through YouTube, including someone by the name of ‪@bluebolt_mlp‬. He said pretty much similar things I have with the regard of G5's backlash, although with a few differences. But I recommend him and his video regardless.

Having that said, I need to clear the air over some aspects that I either wasn't clear on or failed to mention. A handful of people stated I was being one-sided on the matter when I called out the unhinged behavior. This is mainly because I was so focused on the said unhinged behavior as I found it to be the absolute worst and most intolerable behavior. Sadly however, that very behavior was with the G4 fans. Though I'd argue they don't deserve to be called fans at this point. Some people call them "G4 purist" but if you ask me, I don't think it's very "pure" to lash out death threats or boo out loud in the presence of someone who either likes or was a staff member of any generation. But I digress. If G5 fans were booing over G4, I would still not tolerate the behavior.

In fact, ‪@lightning-bliss‬ has shared her story where her followers detested her over her Twitter thread, stating she's not a true fan because she disliked G5. A similar thing with ‪@MadMunchkin‬ where she got hate comments because of her stance on G5 through a video. Guys... you know what's the best solution? Just don't commentate on it. Expressing your frustrations and anger in a comment is going to make you look stupid. They didn't like G5. Boo hoo. Move the fuck on! I'm not on the same boat with them either, and I've been friends with them for years. In fact ‪@MasterCodeAceAnalyst‬ and I have a ton of fun playing games online like Helldivers 2 and Lethal Company! And he knowingly HATES Make Your Mark! I'm personally not a fan of his opinions or his videos on the matter, but I don't think less of him as a friend. We just play along and have fun with any shenanigans on the said games. The same is said for everyone else. I don't think less of them over their disapproval of a certain generation of MLP. So what do you gain when you type "You're not a true fan" or "I'm not supporting you"? Nothing! They're not going to change their mind and cater to you. How would you like it if someone told you to not like G5? We already know about the death threats and the booing, so I think you already know the answer. My advice; stay in your own lane and not cross paths to start fights. Respect boundaries. And that goes for literally everybody!

The other of which, some have asked how evident the tweets were over the matters of death threats and the booing. The possibility that I may have been manipulated in some way. But I imagine that when ‪@Makakaka‬ made that video, he must've been asked the same question. The tweet had the name crossed out, but I presume it's because it would've been dangerous to reveal their identity. Which is understandable. And there hasn't been any video evidence over the booing at the con, which was Czequestria, but it was said it happened during the opening Ceremony and Bahia refused to anticipate the Closing Ceremony. Can't say I blame her. But regardless, all I can say is this can be taken with a pinch of salt. Even so, that shouldn't stop me or anyone to call out on this kind of behavior.

Something I wanted to add was that prior to the booing, I wanted to make a video on the death threats while following up the ugly events with Filli Vanilli 10 years ago. There, I was going to deliver what thoughts I had were changed and what remained the same. And also state that death threats are not ok, including the recent death threats to G5 fans. However, because of what happened with Bahia, that's changed. And based on what my recent video was about, it would be tedious if I made another video on the same matter, even if I went through an overhaul on the script. Who knows? Maybe I'll still make a video about that because I needed closure to that chapter for a long time. I'll have to think it over.

Sometime after I uploaded the video, it has been confirmed by Hasbro that Tell Your Tale will officially be over with on the 17th of October. And it's a shame, not just for the G5 fans but for all fans of My Little Pony. We're once again going to be in the absence of new content from the official publishers and will have to rely on fan content until there's a G6. I know there have been leaks where Twilight, Misty and a few other beloved characters were going to be on some kind of camp and was later confirmed it was scrapped. Honestly I didn't think that was ever going to work, but at the same time, people assumed that now there's a G7 on the way... even though it's fruitless to skip a number because a certain concept or proposal was scrapped. For all we know, there could be another form of G6. One thing is certain... there will never be a show like Friendship is Magic. That was lightning in a bottle that can't be captured twice. My advice... be patient, and subvert your expectations!

In the meantime, for what remains on my projects aside from the Filli Vanilli follow up, my Best of GFP videos have taken longer than expected to where I won't be able to get it out this month. But I am close with all tedious vector importing, and there might be a few entries in one month. I don't want to count my chickens, but these two back to back have taken the longest for me this year and I'm hopeful to be done with them soon with a Halloween based entry that I want to get done as well.

Aside from that, I got help from ‪@FaolanCortez‬ in finalizing my script for a G5 review. Yeah, I finally have an MLP review almost ready! And I'm already getting started on the next one. When you think about it, I already have a few in the works, depending on the Filli Vanilli follow-up. So even though I haven't gotten my latest entries of The Best of GFP done, I've made some progress. Even so, the said entries of The Best of GFP are almost done like I mentioned before.

So that's everything. That was a lot for me to type out. I wanted to clear the air on some things and update you all on what's to come, and encourage a more hopeful future. Until then, I'll catch you all later.

5 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 111