Seta - Level Design

πŸŽ„ Happy Xmas! πŸŽ„
May your home be filled with love, your heart with joy, and your life with peace during this festive season:)
This year, just like last year, I will be giving away a few codes for my Drag & Drop Volumes for Unity:) The first one is already hidden in the description of one of the videos posted this year:) First come, first served:)

If the code has already been used, don't worry, I will post 4 more codes in the next 2 days, so you still have a chance to receive a gift:)

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 25


Happy Christmas everyoneπŸŽ„πŸŽ„

4 weeks ago | 1  


πŸŽ„@setaleveldesign 🎁 Have πŸŽ„ a 🎁 Merry πŸŽ„ Christm

3 weeks ago | 0