Cassei Ricci shares her story about life inside a Connecticut women's prison and how strict drug laws landed her behind bars. She reveals what happens inside, the challenges of prison survival, and the relationships formed while incarcerated. Cassei discusses what led to her sentence, how she navigated life on the inside, and what she learned from the experience. This episode explores the impact of drug laws, the realities of incarceration, and the journey after release.
Ian Bick
Cassei Ricci shares her story about life inside a Connecticut women's prison and how strict drug laws landed her behind bars. She reveals what happens inside, the challenges of prison survival, and the relationships formed while incarcerated. Cassei discusses what led to her sentence, how she navigated life on the inside, and what she learned from the experience. This episode explores the impact of drug laws, the realities of incarceration, and the journey after release.
1 week ago | [YT] | 94