Thank you for all the years of uploads, continuously putting people on to new sounds. Peace and blessings.
2 years ago | 2
Yo yo yo Just wanted to say thank you You have impeccable taste and have introduced us to some amazing music….
2 years ago | 1
Will you ever delete those videos that the hacker posted? cause it just looks weird being on this channel.
2 years ago | 0
Hey all, thank you to everybody who has subscribed to this channel or even checked out any of the videos, and thank you to everybody who offered support during "the incident". Also major shout outs to the Sample Spotters.
Due to circumstances I can't really control, I'm going to slow down on video uploads. Definitely not doing them daily anymore, only will post occasionally. Sorry everybody, but hopefully you can always enjoy the back catalogue.
I may at some point try to rebrand this channel to do long form, in depth documentary style content relating to music, hip hop, sampling, interesting artists, and stuff that hasn't gotten a proper spotlight. It is definitely an idea that has grown more and more in my head the past few years. Will keep you updated if that ever gets off the ground.
Anyways, hope you have a pleasant day. Peace.
2 years ago | [YT] | 98