Your Wellness Nerd

If you have neck pain that you just can’t shake, try freeing up your upper back.

This sounds obvious, but with pain it’s easy to lose focus on the bigger picture. Where your pain is - is exactly where it is, but why it’s there may have just as much to do with the tissue around it.

And in the case of neck pain, the neck is just an extension of the upper back, we just call them different things.

Restrictions through the muscles and joints of the upper back can fundamentally change how the neck is loaded - leaving it open and vulnerable to dysfunction.

So grab those lacrosse balls or tennis balls, lie down and see what you can find.

Because you might just find the missing piece you’ve been looking for!

How has your neck been going?

- Grant

#neckpain #soreneck

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 25