Stay Inspired with Arun

They made 5 AM club.

I made 4:45 AM club.

Today’, I am waiting to join my MMRG family members in a while at 5:30 AM for an hour.

You are bound to meet many temporary defeats on the path to success and your dreams.

Hundreds of many be even more than that.

You all know Edison who met 10000 ‘temporary defeats’ (the world calls it failure).

You need a super power to keep moving in a surrounding where people give up on their dreams after 5-6 defeats.

They think it’s final. Let’s give up.

No failure is final.

It’s just a temporary defeat and if you can move over it, and do so many times, success would be yours.

You will make a change in your approach, learn and again move ahead.

Success is not for everyone!

But it’s for everyone who joins me in MMRG sessions 3 days every week. To join, type in comment box ‘MMRG’ and my team will connect with you.

Because here we do the same rituals which make you develop those super powers.

Waiting for today’s session to begin.

Have a great day.

And don’t give up. I know it’s not easy. But you can do so. You already know the solution…

2 years ago | [YT] | 12