Simon Smith Online

📱 I've received hundreds of messages about rent-to-rent agreements in the past week alone, so to answer all of your questions I'm doing the most comprehensive masterclass on all things contracts out there 🙌

We'll be looking at:
1️⃣ Why Rent-to-Rent contracts are so important.
2️⃣ Management Agreements vs Company Let Agreements.
3️⃣ How to structure deals and legals for both R2HMO and R2SA
4️⃣ How to calculate Rent-to-Rent figures before committing to the deal.

⚫️ Not enough?

🟡 I'm also going to be giving you the chance to get your hands-on my very own tried and trusted Ultimate Rent-to-Rent Agreements Pack📚. Believe me, there is nothing out there even close to this 🚀

⚫️ Hold on, I can hear👂some of you are still wanting more....

🟡 Ok, how about if I tell you there will also be the opportunity to be at the next upcoming #R2Rretreat 🔥

See you on Wednesday 19th June at 8pm 🚀

7 months ago | [YT] | 5