
What do you think is the biggest challenge faced by First Amendment auditors?

1 week ago | [YT] | 103


Law enforcement misunderstanding it's not that they don't understand what the law is it's the fact that they've been allowed to do whatever they want without being held accountable

1 week ago | 10


Although I chose lack of awareness of rights, the real issue is multifaceted. From poor education of the citizenry to poor education of law enforcement, malevolent elements at work in the judiciary and education systems have eroded the protections of the Constitution and the principles that made our nation strong and prosperous to the point we are in serious danger of becoming another failed experiment in the search for sustainable government.

1 week ago | 5


Coming across like they’ve received higher than a 5th grade education comes to mind.

1 week ago | 6


Depending on the auditor, the main issue is the auditor. Make that auditors.

1 week ago | 1


I say law enforcement ignorance and bullying

1 week ago | 6


Auditor's??? Yeah, ok. It's more like Lawsuit Chaser's

1 week ago | 4


Biggest challenge is pointing out exactly where the constitution mentions anything about having the right to record anything visible on camera. Or where the constitution mentions anything about cameras.

1 week ago | 1


The Law understands fine. They just don't care. Their job is to confine and confiscate. They have done very little SERVE AND PROTECT. They should be made to memorize their oath and write a paper on what that actually means prior to graduation or certification.

1 week ago | 0


Auditors who wear masks and cover their faces are both threatening and hypocritical. They are out to provoke reactions and then mock their victims. Be polite. You demand transparency then offer it in return. Good 1A auditors are very rare.

1 week ago | 4


Public employee's don't want to be on video's because the taxpayers will see how they are getting screwed !

1 week ago | 2


After twenty years there's no misunderstanding πŸ˜­πŸ˜” auditor have been exposing these corrupt cops for years BS is chewed up gra

1 week ago | 2


The problem is legal jargon. Nothing else.

1 week ago | 2


All of them

1 week ago | 0


Harassment and retaliation is a lack of accountability and able to hold people accountable

1 week ago | 0


I think it s more about the culture. Instead of taking a complain for cash they should protect all side and use active listening and then educate the caller.. but since it s bizarre to record for no real reason they jump into suspicion right away. In there training there is not enought emphasis in serve... and serve people equally. Protect people equally. Without bias.

1 week ago | 0


The public will always be in danger from law enforcement as long as they have Qualified immunity. Qualified Immunity is an ANTIQUATED way of protecting law enforcement from FRIVOLOUS lawsuits against them. Now that EVERYONE has the capability of recording everything they see Qualified Immunity is not needed. Make law enforcement accountable for their ILLEGAL ACTIONS by removing their immunity from prosecution. NO ONE SHOULD BE IMMUNE FROM PROSECUTION FOR THEIR CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES. Not POLITICIANS or Law Enforcement.

6 days ago | 0


Ignorance is not the same as innocence

1 week ago | 0


All of the above...

1 week ago | 0


Illegal obstacles ....... Holding government officials accountable an educated people of the rights that have been the rights for centuries

1 week ago | 0


Depends on the auditor. Some...are only seeking clicks and don't show them being antagonistic. These people...harm the education effort and should not warrant the clicks. For those that do work to hold the police accountable...it is harassment.

1 week ago | 0