Loook at the little fluffs! 🥰💗 My father just passed away, I’m sat here at 7am BST silently listening to the birds, it’s his funeral later, we were both huge animal lovers, he was a herdsman and I grew up on a farm. He loved all safari and animal programmes. This just made me smile and think of him. Thank you for the memory, & so glad they’re doing well
6 months ago (edited) | 6
Cheetahs cubs are the cutest babies. Look at their fluffy round faces oh 😻
6 months ago | 3
why is it that their back fur looks different from the fur on their legs? The back fur looks more bright color and has no prints 🤔🤔🤔 Adorable cheetahs
6 months ago | 3
They’re gorgeous! So pleased they’re doing well.
6 months ago | 2
Can I have one? I‘m gonna care for it and feed it and love it and cuddle with it and… and.. 🥹
6 months ago | 1
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته كل التقدير لكم على اهتمامكم وجهودكم بارك الله بكم وبأعمالكم .
6 months ago | 0
The tear marks look just like Abi’s.. You’re on a roll with the uploads!
6 months ago | 0
STUNNING, Where you located ? Are you open to public ?
6 months ago | 1
Dolph C. Volker
Abi's 2nd cheetah cub litter - 2 Months Old today! They have NAMES now! Female is Storm on the left. The BIG brother in the middle is Shango & the smaller brother on the right is sweat Jengo. Super mom Abi standing guard!
The last 2 pics are some hand feeding the volunteers at Running Wild Conservation are doing for us. Hand feeding and playing with the growing cubs with various genders, sizes, shapes, heights, appearances and races of people help build trust of people in general.
I've mentioned it before. Varied interaction with people helps assure the best quality of care mentally and physically for these captive cheetahs. Many times cheetahs are loaned out to other projects for breeding. Having a cheetah experience multiple encounters of different people, scents, sounds and other cheetahs in the beginning better prepares them for future new encounters. It is safer for all involved. And you can STILL rewild a tamed cheetah!
You pre-scout the reserve and have a tiered release where they stay in a boma for awhile, tasting the local prey quizine before releasing them and monitor. That is why you see the practice hunting done that we've shown before.
6 months ago | [YT] | 529