Jayden Thompson

I’m at 800 subs 😁😁😁

I promised you guys a cover reveal for Stars in the Sky at 800, so here it is!! And yes, I designed this one as well using Canva 🤭

The description for the back cover is subject to change, I’m still working on it put that’s what I’ve got for the moment. Spoiler warning for anyone who has not read Diamond in the Rough yet.

A little update on the actual content of SITS: I have finished editing it aside from one last proofread. I’m waiting on my beta readers to get back with me to make sure there’s nothing I need to change, and then I will start formatting and getting proof copies in. The whole process shouldn’t take near the time DITR did, both because this one is shorter (less to format) and because I know what I’m doing this time around. I’m hoping to get this one published in December??? Maybe??? That’s still very tentative haha, but we’ll see. I’m super excited to share Laiken’s story with you guys 😁😁

3 days ago (edited) | [YT] | 19