The people that should be the most excited for this movie are the ones that are familiar with the Borderlands franchise. Except it seems that so far the ones that are familiar with the Borderlands games, are the most disappointed and worried with what we've seen so far and what this movie is probably going to be like... So I'm not sure who the target audience for this movie is going to be.
5 months ago | 1
I’m waiting for someone to post it on YouTube and probably watch hardly any of it
5 months ago | 2
Played a little of 2 didn't get into it that much, this movie has a few actors I'm just not a fan of, and when this comes to streaming in a few weeks because it bombs, I'll check it out, see if it passes the first five minutes before I turn it off
5 months ago | 1
Same as alot of people Borderlands is one of my like top 5 all-time favorite game series, and we all knew it was gonna suck from way back when the trailer dropped. Worst casting I've seen in a movie in forever. Roland is a like 6 foot 4, buff, bad ass, serious apocalyptic war general....played by short goofy ass Kenvin Hart. Then we got Lilith, the most powerful character in the games who is like30 years old tops... played by over 50 Kate Blanchett(who's a phenomenal actress, but way too old), next is tannis who's supposed yo also be like 30 but is played by 80 year old Jamie Lee Curtis.... all perfectly fine actors but damn they don't match the characters at allllll. The only character who even acts like their game counter-part is Kreig, but even he was toned down alot
5 months ago (edited) | 2
I thought the trailer looked okay and kinda wacky fun, but I've never been a big fan of Borderlands, and hearing that it isn't a very good movie doesn't inspire confidence nor the desire to go pay for the privilege of watching it in a cinema for 2 hours or however long it is. Another forgettable waste of time movie that I probably wouldn't ever want to rewatch? Remember DVDs? Essentially paying the ticket price + popcorn for a second time, when new, to have a copy at home ASAP of a favourite movie to rewatch as many times as you like in your own "home cinema" set-up that you also paid for, because capitalism and competing products. I'll be washing the dishes instead of watching Borderlands, and be thankful for the trusted sources that spared me the expense, inconvenience and dissatisfaction of walking out of the cinema after being tricked into sitting through a crappy movie.
5 months ago | 0
I saw the Borderlands movie twice, and I think it’s a mediocre film. I give it a 4/10.
5 months ago (edited) | 0
I played Borderlands 2 for the first time recently and I don’t understand how this series is still going, it’s utter trash. Childish humour, atrocious controls, every enemy is a fuckin bullet sponge and the map is more than boring. I don’t see how a movie about that can be even tolerable
5 months ago | 0
Jon Automates
Be honest, when it comes to the Borderlands movie...
5 months ago | [YT] | 45