Baba Yooba

Ẹnu ni mo ba wọle
Furọ ni mo bọna mi gba
Ojule ni mo bawa
Ẹyinkule ni mo bẹru mi gba
Oku oru ki n ri oju ọjọ
Ademodo kan kii ri ọyẹla
Adifa fun Lamọnrin ti n lọ lee ṣolugbala Lakaṣegbe.
Ọbara-Ọsẹ lo ni kẹẹ ma ṣẹju mọmi lara nitori
Ala ti aja ba la, inu aja ni be
Ọrọ hunruhunrun ni tinu ẹlẹdẹ
Bi pẹpẹyẹ na jokuta, omi ni fi n ṣu
Agbejuulẹ lọmọde n gbegi eleera

Food ingested through the mouth comes out through the Anus.
I will not depart through the means I arrived.
A corpse buried in the night never sees the day again.
Anything covers with mortar never sees the sunlight.
According to the divination of Lamonrin who wants to save Lakasegbe.
He was asked to fortify himself and be sensitive so he does become the victim of circumstances and ransom for another person’s life.

In this month of January, Ifa speaks to us via this story:

Lakaṣegbe (meaning, the one who is being consumed) fell ill and was at the point of death with no cure. As a king, he requested the presence of all Babalawo but they could not help until someone recommended Lamonrin (meaning, the one with the knowledge and who arrives on time).

Before Lamonrin went, he made divination to know how to behave himself on that journey and he was told to not return through the way he went. He must change direction. He must be very discreet and assume the element of the Wind. He was also told that the person behind Lakasegbe ailment is close to him.

When Lamonrin got there, he did his divination and asked the King to provide these (you should too):

One Matured Rooster (Akukọ Adiyẹ)
One Matured Grasscutter (Okete)
Envelope of Highest Denomination of money to be given to 21 Elderly Women.

(The Rooster and the Grasscutter would be used to do Ori Bibo and killed, the meat shared with people around after the concerned person has eaten out of it. (Ebọ Ẹyọnu Awọn Iya))

He was asked to activate Ogun, the energy of victory.

He was asked to appease the earth so it can swallow those against him.

He was asked to do the rite of the Sun so that his days can be renewed.

(Consult your Babalawo for more explanation on how to do the above.)

Lamonrin followed the back door and left after the whole exercise. Towards the evening, a certain elderly woman came to see Lakasegbe asking about the Babalawo that entered his palace. She was told that he has departed since morning.

This woman went back home and on that night died. The following morning, Lakasegbe became whole again.

If the old woman has met Lamonrin to return the meats and money, Lakasegbe would have died of that ailment and Lamonrin would have assumed the position of Lakasegbe as an unhealthy person.

In this month of January, Ifa is telling us to:

1. Be careful even though we are the master of the game because overconfidence can kill a skillful person.

2. To seek divination to persistent situation in our lives that we are sure are not natural occurrences.

3. To not give up on our efforts to find solution to the challenges of our life because it is out there. We may encounter few falsehood but there is truth somewhere there.

4. To be extra sensitive about those you offer help to so you don’t saddle yourself with another man’s burden to the point of being sacrificed for them.

5. To listen to the instructions of the Ifa as the compass in this vast Universe.

May you experience victory in the areas of your challenges this month.


Aboru bọ yẹ o
Aboye la n bọ ori
O gbo a tọ
Iwure iwori
Isure Iwofun.

2 years ago | [YT] | 52